A liberal finally admits: abortion is murder!


Well-Known Member
Depending, of course, on your definition of murder...
You are correct Jones,,, that starts the debate off and running in one of many directions... but Ive argued it so many times, the definition does come out and to me is very simple when it all boils down.


Staff member
You mean you don't think Obama murdered all those women and children in Afghanistan?

or that

Bush killed all those women and kids in Iraq?
Meaning that murder is defined as the intentional killing of a person. If you don't consider a fetus to be a person (and the law currently doesn't), then abortion is not murder.


Staff member
You are correct Jones,,, that starts the debate off and running in one of many directions... but Ive argued it so many times, the definition does come out and to me is very simple when it all boils down.
Define "correct"! J/K. It's simple for you, and also for a lot of people who disagree with you. Personally I find it complicated and frustrating, so in that respect I envy you your certainty, even though I generally disagree with it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Selective abortion due to Down Syndrome? What's next? Abortion due to IQ? Well, why not? Abortions are being completed simply because a mother and/or father "aren't ready" for or "didn't plan on having" a child. This is a sick world we are living in. The mere fact that some people defend this is horrible. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
Define "correct"! J/K. It's simple for you, and also for a lot of people who disagree with you. Personally I find it complicated and frustrating, so in that respect I envy you your certainty, even though I generally disagree with it.
start with separating killing and murdering. Murdering is an unjust taking of a life. I know I know that in and of itself can be complicated, thus is why you struggle with it. Killing can be in self defense or when defending someone else or property (not murder). Problem is, we cant decide when killing becomes murder. Abortion is one of those times. The law says its ok to kill the unborn. It is a life,,,, call it anything you want, but that fetus left alone comes out a human being every time. If you dont believe it is a life, then you have the burden of telling that baby at what second it is no longer a "thing" and is human. I simply give the benefit of some peoples doubts to the side of being a baby.


Okay with the dog, yeah I know you love him. but let ask you this, if you had went to the breeder and he was already like that when you first went to get him years ago, would you have backed out? Be honest.

Okay, now I am going to be picky like stug has been, just to show him how annoying it can be :: What's this with a breeder? Don't you know that there are plenty of dogs waiting to be adopted in a kennel? No need for a breeder unless you are not happy with those" less than ordinary"(do you like that term?) dogs in the slammer. (your one out is allergy issues in this one)
I feel the need to defend my purchase. You're right, I wouldn't knowingly buy a sick dog. I bought this dog (Australian Shepherd) because this is the breed that fit our family best. I didn't choose a rescue dog, puppy mill or any of several other options, sorry. Out of our 3 Aussie's, the 5 year old is the only one to have issues. There are people that specifically adopt children/animals that have special needs.

Meaning that murder is defined as the intentional killing of a person. If you don't consider a fetus to be a person (and the law currently doesn't), then abortion is not murder.
But even still, that doesn't make it right. There's much more that happens than the killing/stopping of a pregnancy. The woman/girl still goes through all of the symptoms of that pregnancy, including the post partum depression.

Selective abortion due to Down Syndrome? What's next? Abortion due to IQ? Well, why not? Abortions are being completed simply because a mother and/or father "aren't ready" for or "didn't plan on having" a child. This is a sick world we are living in. The mere fact that some people defend this is horrible. Enough said.
How many of us here today were planned/wanted at first?


Retired 23 years
Pro-choice here-----that being said I could never figure out why the most vocal on this subject and the nut cases that go off the deep end and shoot Doctors and blow up clinics are always men. This is one subject that the women of the world should have total control over by themselves.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
How many of us here today were planned/wanted at first?

How many of us here today are dead? Your comment brings to mind the old signature I had here on the board that quoted Ronald Reagan........

"I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born." ~Ronald Reagan, quoted in New York Times, 22 September 1980


Well-Known Member
Pro-choice here-----that being said I could never figure out why the most vocal on this subject and the nut cases that go off the deep end and shoot Doctors and blow up clinics are always men. This is one subject that the women of the world should have total control over by themselves.
Why is that rod? It takes 2 to make a baby. Why does the dad have NO say in the future of the baby? Because the woman carries it? The dad is still a parent too. Even so, why should the woman be given a license to murder?


Well-Known Member
A pro-lifer and a pro-choicer walk into a bar.....after swapping a few drinks, the pro lifer accuses the pro-choicer of supporting baby killing....finally, tired of the bantor, the bartender steps in an ask the two if they want to see a menu to shut them up....after a few minutes of peace and quiet, the bartender ask "What it'll be"?....Pro chiocer says, "I'll have a salad"....and the pro-lifer said, "I'll have the Veal".....:slap:


A pro-lifer and a pro-choicer walk into a bar.....after swapping a few drinks, the pro lifer accuses the pro-choicer of supporting baby killing....finally, tired of the bantor, the bartender steps in an ask the two if they want to see a menu to shut them up....after a few minutes of peace and quiet, the bartender ask "What it'll be"?....Pro chiocer says, "I'll have a salad"....and the pro-lifer said, "I'll have the Veal".....:slap:
I think the lifer was supposed to have the veal, but it was good anyways.:peaceful:


Nine Lives
A pro-lifer and a pro-choicer walk into a bar.....after swapping a few drinks, the pro lifer accuses the pro-choicer of supporting baby killing....finally, tired of the bantor, the bartender steps in an ask the two if they want to see a menu to shut them up....after a few minutes of peace and quiet, the bartender ask "What it'll be"?....Pro chiocer says, "I'll have a salad"....and the pro-lifer said, "I'll have the Veal".....:slap:

I think the lifer was supposed to have the veal, but it was good anyways.:peaceful:

Worthy of two laughs. :funny: