A Message to UPS Teamsters From Local 89 President Fred Z

So I took the time to re-read your post.

"friend Freddy boy was soooo concerned with excessive dues for pt's why didn't he push for a Constitutional Amendment in 2011."

The 2011 Convention is EXACTLY what you were referring to. I know your camp thinks the members are stupid...but I assure you, they are not. Maybe if you and the other cronies hadn't made this gross miscalculation, you wouldn't have seen the blood bath of NO votes in some of your most "loyal" locals.

I'm not exactly sure if you know what year the Convention occurred. One post you say 2011; another 2012. Second, you seem to not comprehend the fact that part-timers in Local 89 had a waiver, granted by Keegel, for OVER a decade. So... take a moment away from your screen...Say a prayer of wisdom to Ken H and think about this clearly. Then you'll stop embarrassing yourself.

By the way...what do you think about your man Ken H's sell-out move to UPS? Way to go, giving away leverage on the supplements. Who does he work for again? It is most certainly NOT the membership.

Now get out your Thesaurus and get back to me.

Also, have you bothered calling Fred to talk with him about your issue? Teamsters Local 89...look up the number.
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Well-Known Member
So I took the time to re-read your post.

"friend Freddy boy was soooo concerned with excessive dues for pt's why didn't he push for a Constitutional Amendment in 2011."

The 2011 Convention is EXACTLY what you were referring to. I know your camp thinks the members are stupid...but I assure you, they are not. Maybe if you and the other cronies hadn't made this gross miscalculation, you wouldn't have seen the blood bath of NO votes in some of your most "loyal" locals.

I'm not exactly sure if you know what year the Convention occurred. One post you say 2011; another 2012. Second, you seem to not comprehend the fact that part-timers in Local 89 had a waiver, granted by Keegel, for OVER a decade. So... take a moment away from your screen...Say a prayer of wisdom to Ken H and think about this clearly. Then you'll stop embarrassing yourself.

By the way...what do you think about your man Ken H's sell-out move to UPS? Way to go, giving away leverage on the supplements. Who does he work for again? It is most certainly NOT the membership.

Now get out your Thesaurus and get back to me.

Also, have you bothered calling Fred to talk with him about your issue? Teamsters Local 89...look up the number.
Well you got me partner and busted me for a typo, the IBT Convention was in 2011, not 2012. Now how about answering some of my questions in posts you're busy memorizing? Why didn't Fred Z push for a dues reduction at that Convention for ALL pt's? He wanted to be a big fish by running with the rebels on the "Gegare, Slawson, and anyone else that said yes slate". That's high class company Zuck keeps. He didn't think that running on that loser slate against Hoffa might just hurt his guys in the long run?
I know all about the dues deal in L89 and agree it's proper for air pt's, AS I POSTED.
I don't have a camp, I'm not sure why you think I do. Never entered my mind that members were stupid. Why is that in your mind? But anyone calling hall a sell out might fit that bill. How does advancing a unanimously approved TA, that Freddy and Co didn't object to when they had the chance, make Hall a bad guy?


Well-Known Member
Would help if Fred read below

of negotiation (n) Bing Dictionary
[ nə g shee áysh'n ]

  • resolving of disagreements: the reaching of agreement through discussion and compromise
  • navigation: the tackling of a hazard or problem
  • discussion sessions: one or more meetings at which attempts are made to reach agreement through discussion and compromise

His idea of compromise is give me everything I want or I will cry like a spoiled child and take my toys away or go to the media saying we should strike.....
Wow brownone....

Thanks for the definition from Bing.

And what is your (or hall) idea of compromise? Give away everything the membership has earned....if the membership says no, giving away the fundamental right to strike? Defending hall is as bad as defending the National Right to Work Committee. Both are working to destroy and undermine union power.
I don't know...maybe you should call him and ask him Inthegame? Like I said, look it up. Your buddy Brownone can show you how to use Bing. So get to it!

And I'll proudly say, I AM indeed anti-Ken H...just as I'm anti-Right-to-Work, anti-Koch, and anti-ALEC. All have the same goal in mind: killing the Teamsters Union.
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Well-Known Member
Fred has no desire to negotiate he wants the strike as he thinks it will win him the votes to be President of the National some day. Sad he will sacrifice his members for his political ambition. 89Percenter the Teamsters are a great organization, but they do not pay your check UPS does.
Fred has no desire to negotiate he wants the strike as he thinks it will win him the votes to be President of the National some day. Sad he will sacrifice his members for his political ambition. 89Percenter the Teamsters are a great organization, but they do not pay your check UPS does.
So you are saying he's kinda being a scum bag right?


Well-Known Member
I don't know...maybe you should call him and ask him Inthegame? Like I said, look it up. Your buddy Brownone can show you how to use Bing. So get to it!

And I'll proudly say, I AM indeed anti-Ken H...just as I'm anti-Right-to-Work, anti-Koch, and anti-ALEC. All have the same goal in mind: killing the Teamsters Union.
I ask legit questions, you respond with inane insults. You've learned well from King Fred. Comparing hall in any way to those RTW groups shows why Fred Z being booted from the Nat Committee was the proper move. You guys need to rethink your position and start putting the members ahead of your personal political futures.
I guess I would have to ask, shouldn't other leaders push to reduce the part-time rate, as Local 89 has, in their locals? Don't you think they need to step up for their membership in their locals, rather than Fred, and request waivers from hall? He apparently agrees with our position... maybe you should push for that in your local or head down to hall office and ask him in person.

And since when is opposition to a sell-out contract political posturing. You seem to miss the point, as does your god hall, that the membership of Local 89 voted 89% against this piece of crap contract. Maybe, you need to rethink who you support and THEIR POLITICAL futures. hall more or less gave away the right to strike. At this point, where does the IBT end and Company begin? The membership sees the IBT and UPS as the same entity. Who is to blame for that? Not Fred Z...not the membership. hall.

What you, and the traitors you support, don't seem to understand, is the movement against this contract, is as grassroots as it gets. This wasn't TDU or any other group. This was the membership being fed up and voicing their anger. The membership expects the company to screw them...now the IBT? This has made the membership hate the IBT with a passion...and that's tragic. Who does that blame fall on? hall and co. And now Hall has worked with UPS to gag that dissent.

And how could you even begin to defend this contract. Have you even bothered to read what in it? But if you'd like to discuss the opposition of Local 89 to this concessionary pile, then, again, feel free to contact Fred at Teamsters Local 89. It's listed in the phone book.


No more work for me!
Simmer down fellas, just simmer down...I must say all I see is Hoaxster editing your posts 89percenter for insults. Not a good way to get your point across.


Well-Known Member
Wow brownone....

Thanks for the definition from Bing.

And what is your (or Ken H's) idea of compromise? Give away everything the membership has earned....if the membership says no, giving away the fundamental right to strike? Defending Ken H is as bad as defending the National Right to Work Committee. Both are working to destroy and undermine union power.
No, that's actually the TDU folks. Our union doesn't receive grants from the AUD, TRF and RTW committees. TDU does! So if you want to talk about destruction of our union, look no further than that multi marketing scheme call Termites Destroying Unions.


Well-Known Member
And who gets to vote on a strike? Just the supplemental people? Or everyone, including the people that ratified the NMA?
And who gets to vote on a strike? Just the supplemental people? Or everyone, including the people that ratified the NMA?
The supplemental people..not a national strike...just a local strike!! Don't want to strike >>>but I (we) are not going to bend over For Scott Davis Caddy and his friend Ken sell us out Hall/Hoffa!!