a million dead americans less important than stock market


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It's a shame Cuomo refused to buy ventilators for his people. Now lots will probably die.
I remember that being a huge news story in NYC. I know there are clips of doctors and scientists warning about coming disaster due to the lack of units. The government plan at that time was to accept the losses and let the geezers die.

For some reason the media is forgetting about all that? I wonder why?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Sure. No Republicans, right? Because this is no big deal and the Head Idiot can't understand exponential math. He's a sociopath.
Your mistake is comparing rich folk with liberal rich folk. The fake limousine liberals want you in government healthcare where they pick and choose who will live or die, like Italy or New York. Meanwhile, they will sneak to their well equipped medical facilities. After all, they are better than regular folk.


Well-Known Member
I don't care if you are the worst generation. I don't care what one did or didn't do. A life is valuable and precious. No matter the age.
You make me laugh with your reasoning.
Barbaric behavior? How about a life that is in the first stages of their life? Where is your cry for responsibility and preservation?
What does this say about you? Left to die suffocated?
No reason but for the fact that it would better serve the economy is appalling? What a hypocrite!
You have always supported abortion for that very reason.
What is the difference between your pro life advocacy and growing belief by some including some who stated it stated publicly that those afflicted with COVID-19 should be left unattended and no attempt should be made to save simply because of their age? Is this the kind of life you pro-lifers want for the lives you claim to be seeking to save and the world you want them to be born into? Rationed healthcare due to diminishing resources and rationed according to age?

The planet's human population is project to increase from 7.5 billion currently to 9.9 billion by 2050.

Got any ideas about how we are to feed, clothe, house, educate and most importantly keep healthy another 2.5 billion people when COVID-19 is an in your face example of how we are already beginning to lose the public health battle ?

Is war, famine and disease you preferred way of doing it?

So if you pro lifers want to save the unborn then just what do you have in mind in the way of assuring their survival ? A twenty first century Lebensborn?


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between your pro life advocacy and growing belief by some including some who stated it stated publicly that those afflicted with COVID-19 should be left unattended and no attempt should be made to save simply because of their age? Is this the kind of life you pro-lifers want for the lives you claim to be seeking to save and the world you want them to be born into? Rationed healthcare due to diminishing resources and rationed according to age?

The planet's human population is project to increase from 7.5 billion currently to 9.9 billion by 2050.

Got any ideas about how we are to feed, clothe, house, educate and most importantly keep healthy another 2.5 billion people when COVID-19 is an in your face example of how we are already beginning to lose the public health battle ?

Is war, famine and disease you preferred way of doing it?

So if you pro lifers want to save the unborn then just what do you have in mind in the way of assuring their survival ? A twenty first century Lebensborn?
But that's what you get with socialized medicine, rationed healthcare. Do you not know that in order to keep their system solvent older patients are told they don't need that hip replacement or that those meds are too expensive to give them. Not to mention those systems are always short on needed doctors and nurses so procedures that take weeks to schedule in the U.S. often can take 6 months or more in places like Great Britain. Be careful what you wish for.


Engorged Member
Your mistake is comparing rich folk with liberal rich folk. The fake limousine liberals want you in government healthcare where they pick and choose who will live or die, like Italy or New York. Meanwhile, they will sneak to their well equipped medical facilities. After all, they are better than regular folk.

You're such a tool for The Right. What about the rich Conservatives? They're also way better than we are.


Engorged Member
But that's what you get with socialized medicine, rationed healthcare. Do you not know that in order to keep their system solvent older patients are told they don't need that hip replacement or that those meds are too expensive to give them. Not to mention those systems are always short on needed doctors and nurses so procedures that take weeks to schedule in the U.S. often can take 6 months or more in places like Great Britain. Be careful what you wish for.

So you hear. Any proof? No, just conjecture. The facts are that you do wait longer for elective procedures with socialized medicine, but the care is quite good. I am related to a Vancouver, BC M.D. who actually knows the system, and he acknowledges longer wait times. My Canadian relatives love the health care they receive. If they want an elective procedure and don't want to wait, there is always the option of coming to the US or medical tourism in India. Few use those options. Anecdotal, but based on actual experiences, not a political agenda.

I also have relatives in France, who have zero complaints with their system. My BIL and SIL are both dual citizens, and they much prefer the French system.

I realize you have a narrative you need to push, but how about tossing-in some truth instead of hyperbole?

If anything, this crisis will preserve and hopefully, enhance the ACA and prevent the GOP from destroying it. The faults of our current system seem to be on full display.

$$$$ and ideology over health, van. You'll never learn. The Kool-Aid runs full strength through your veins.
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It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So you hear. Any proof? No, just conjecture. The facts are that you do wait longer for elective procedures with socialized medicine, but the care is quite good. I am related to a Vancouver, BC M.D. who actually knows the system, and he acknowledges longer wait times. My Canadian relatives love the health care they receive. If they want an elective procedure and don't want to wait, there is always the option of coming to the US or medical tourism in India. Few use those options. Anecdotal, but based on actual experiences, not a political agenda.

I also have relatives in France, who have zero complaints with their system. My BIL and SIL are both dual citizens, and they much prefer the French system.

I realize you have a narrative you need to push, but how about tossing-in some truth instead of hyperbole?

If anything, this crisis will preserve and hopefully, enhance the ACA and prevent the GOP from destroying it. The faults of our current system seem to be on full display.

$$$$ and ideology over health, van. You'll never learn. The Kool-Aid runs full strength through your veins.
Think there’s a problem with employment based health insurance when 3 million people lose their jobs in a week due to a pandemic? Nah, nothing to see here.


Well-Known Member
But that's what you get with socialized medicine, rationed healthcare. Do you not know that in order to keep their system solvent older patients are told they don't need that hip replacement or that those meds are too expensive to give them. Not to mention those systems are always short on needed doctors and nurses so procedures that take weeks to schedule in the U.S. often can take 6 months or more in places like Great Britain. Be careful what you wish for.
excuse me my grandma lived to 92 under said system. its not perfect because its under funded by government because rich people are under taxed. and rich people are under taxed because theyve almost destroyed the left which means no protests and no demands to government.

i personally have broken my arm, had nose surgery, had toe nail surgery, no complaints. my buddy just had knee surgery. he didnt have to wait that long, maybe a few days. when i broke my arm i almost had next day surgery but they said i dont need it.

our system is def better than the US system. you guys are debately going to nationalize parts of your system if not hte whole thing very soon.


Well-Known Member
if america goes back to work, 2.2 million dead americans.

economy cant function with 2.2 million dead.

i wonder what other developed countries are encouraging workers to go back to work in the midst of a pandemic?


Engorged Member
if america goes back to work, 2.2 million dead americans.

economy cant function with 2.2 million dead.

i wonder what other developed countries are encouraging workers to go back to work in the midst of a pandemic?

A real Canadian, Would you agree with my Vancouver MD relative and my other Canuck kin about being largely satisfied with their healthcare?


Engorged Member
excuse me my grandma lived to 92 under said system. its not perfect because its under funded by government because rich people are under taxed. and rich people are under taxed because theyve almost destroyed the left which means no protests and no demands to government.

i personally have broken my arm, had nose surgery, had toe nail surgery, no complaints. my buddy just had knee surgery. he didnt have to wait that long, maybe a few days. when i broke my arm i almost had next day surgery but they said i dont need it.

our system is def better than the US system. you guys are debately going to nationalize parts of your system if not hte whole thing very soon.

The push to improve the ACA or move to a Canadian-style system will be strong after this US healthcare debacle.


Well-Known Member
But that's what you get with socialized medicine, rationed healthcare. Do you not know that in order to keep their system solvent older patients are told they don't need that hip replacement or that those meds are too expensive to give them. Not to mention those systems are always short on needed doctors and nurses so procedures that take weeks to schedule in the U.S. often can take 6 months or more in places like Great Britain. Be careful what you wish for.
When you hit 65 that's the system you'll be glad to be a part of because there's no way in hell you'll be even close to affording open market health insurance premiums for a 65 year old diabetic. Paul Ryan thought you could get it for $650 a month. That was until the industry showed him what the near had been doing in the woods lately.