How about when some nitwit crunches the holder for your stylus,(then it is ruined) and everyone after that keeps pushing on it when it wont go in, instead of looking at WHAT THE HE** THEY ARE DOING!!!!
Or when they flip it around a million times to sign, and try to decide which end of the stylus to use!!!!!
And then the screen goes off, so you turn it back on reposition it, hold it for them, and your wrist gets numb as they act like they have never signed their name before!!!
I also hate it when someone pulls me over or stops me in the middle of the road, to ask where something is. I just usually tell them that I am geographically challenged, and I dont think you can get there from here.
(Message edited by toonertoo on April 11, 2005)
(Message edited by toonertoo on April 11, 2005)