A response to Jamie Flemming's "White Board" Video


When Teamster officials chastise you for bullying.....all you have to do is laugh. Some of the biggest bullies the world has ever seen, many straight from the mob. As a woman I like that she was put in her place. Maybe over the top on a few things, but the bs she spewed is far more harmful than this video.
What BS please be specific

Time for change

Well-Known Member
What BS please be specific
Part time wages for one. She completely neglects part timers with over 3 years and acts as though we are all getting a huge bump. I could shower you with facts on part time starting wages over the past 35 years and adjusted for inflation. Fact is we are getting screwed, particularly middle seniority part timers getting squeezed. I’m sure you think it’s okay that a 3 year person will make the same as one coming off the street.
When Teamster officials chastise you for bullying.....all you have to do is laugh. Some of the biggest bullies the world has ever seen, many straight from the mob. As a woman I like that she was put in her place. Maybe over the top on a few things, but the bs she spewed is far more harmful than this video.
It really makes me think of Hillary and Democrats. Just cry and make accusations with no facts. We need to know data and information. Not wild and vague accusations.


It really makes me think of Hillary and Democrats. Just cry and make accusations with no facts. We need to know data and information. Not wild and vague accusations.
I didnt think Tony's video was b s he was speaking from the heart I think some of his facts were inaccurate .other parts of his video I agreed with

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Maybe it’s okay that a 14 year part timer is 14 dollars an hour behind someone they work directly next to doing same job. I’m sure a 14 year driver would find that agreeable also? She completely distorts the facts on part time wages.


Well-Known Member
Tyler talks in general about things nationally with zero specifics and details. Any one can say “we can do better vote no” without doing any analysis. There are over 30 contracts, 17 pension funds, multiple Taft Hartley Acts (Healthcare) and hundreds of Locals with different rules!! Is he even a shop steward in his own Local? Wake up people!

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Tyler talks in general about things nationally with zero specifics and details. Any one can say “we can do better vote no” without doing any analysis. There are over 30 contracts, 17 pension funds, multiple Taft Hartley Acts (Healthcare) and hundreds of Locals with different rules!! Is he even a shop steward in his own Local? Wake up people!
We can do better.


Well-Known Member
The World according to Tyler

The Company is paying $445 dollars a week to healthcare “ but we can do bettter”

The Company is paying $129,000 to pension over 5 years “but we can do better”

Your getting industry leading wages “but we can do better”

Our retiree’s Healthcare is going from a $500,000 dollar cap to unlimited “but we could do better”

Yeah let’s risk a Strike. Those benefits suck.


That's cute that you're trying to paint me as anti-education. I got my degree while working PT at UPS.

There's nothing wrong with having a college degree and IBT (and even some locals) has a need for certain specialists (finance, legal, etc.) that may not have rank and file experience. However, we don't need "college professionals" with zero experience working as rank and file members in positions of leadership or doing social media hit jobs on rank and file members.
sounds more like SEIU than Teamsters


Well-Known Member
The World according to Tyler

The Company is paying $445 dollars a week to healthcare “ but we can do bettter”

The Company is paying $129,000 to pension over 5 years “but we can do better”

Your getting industry leading wages “but we can do better”

Our retiree’s Healthcare is going from a $500,000 dollar cap to unlimited “but we could do better”

Wake up people!

The World according to @LagunaBrown

The Company is paying $445 dollars a week to healthcare “ but we can't do bettter”

The Company is paying $129,000 to pension over 5 years “but we can't do better”

RPCDs are getting industry leading wages “but we can't do better”

Our retiree’s Healthcare is going from a $500,000 dollar cap to unlimited in the west “but we could do better”

Wake up!
The World according to Tyler

The Company is paying $445 dollars a week to healthcare “ but we can do bettter”

The Company is paying $129,000 to pension over 5 years “but we can do better”

Your getting industry leading wages “but we can do better”

Our retiree’s Healthcare is going from a $500,000 dollar cap to unlimited “but we could do better”

Yeah let’s risk a Strike. Those benefits suck.
We have a cap? Does it reset every year or life time? My ex wife used a lot of it...

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Maybe I also missed her explanation on why they are going to call every part timer skilled but not pay the dollar, which will mean at some point two people with the exact same seniority date, doing the exact same job, in the exact same building have the potential to make a different hourly wage. So glad an educated woman like her came to my rescue to explain this travesty of a contract.