A simple choice next weekend for all ups freight employees


Well-Known Member
Cleaning out the system even before the vote and telling all their customers to "make other arrangements" cannot be good.

Are they going back to Overnite's roots and channeling Cochrane's play book?


Well-Known Member

Well I can pretty much guarantee that most of your fellow employees are not willing to give up their jobs and they're 10 or 20 years lives with this company.

It seems to me that most people who want to strike or votes no want to burn down the entire company. because I've heard the same thing from the few guys who are going to still vote no.

I do have a question for you.

When the contract passes next weekend, are you going to return to your job?[/QUOTE]

Of course I’ll return to my job, I will walk back into the break room with no problem knowing I did what I could. If we lose this I will know I made an informed decision and voted the way I felt was right. If this is voted down and we strike are you going to walk the lines with the rest of us?

futile process

Well-Known Member
All those talking tough are full of it. Its just words.

The contract will pass next weekend, because the employees are not going to commit economic suicide.

Every no voter will return to work with their tail between their legs and be screaming strike in 5 years, like they did five years ago.

Its all just hot air.

futile process

Well-Known Member

Well I can pretty much guarantee that most of your fellow employees are not willing to give up their jobs and they're 10 or 20 years lives with this company.

It seems to me that most people who want to strike or votes no want to burn down the entire company. because I've heard the same thing from the few guys who are going to still vote no.

I do have a question for you.

When the contract passes next weekend, are you going to return to your job?[/QUOTE]

Of course I’ll return to my job, I will walk back into the break room with no problem knowing I did what I could. If we lose this I will know I made an informed decision and voted the way I felt was right. If this is voted down and we strike are you going to walk the lines with the rest of us?[/QUOTE]

futile process

Well-Known Member
There will be no strike lines, there will be no company to strike. The gates will be locked, the system empty and everyone will be unemployed.

This isn't a game or some stick it to the man gesture. A no vote is self termination.
That's why I'm voting yes and I know the vast majority will also, we dont care about union glory or sticking our thumb in the eye of UPS, when we are making great money and have the beat benefits in rhe industry.
Yes things could always be better, but they are not bad enough to vote no and lose our pay and benefits.

So no I wont be on the strike line, because there wont be one.

Thw contract will pass, because human nature is always self preservation before suicide.


Inordinately Right
There will be no strike lines, there will be no company to strike. The gates will be locked, the system empty and everyone will be unemployed.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
No one cares what a troll thinks.

The contract will pass, and this will all be water under the bridge in a few weeks.
Why you wasting energy then? I thought small package could have done better and the IBT had phenomenal leverage, but on freight side I actually agree with you and I believe the contract passes as well.

futile process

Well-Known Member
Why you wasting energy then? I thought small package could have done better and the IBT had phenomenal leverage, but on freight side I actually agree with you and I believe the contract passes as well.

Ok. I apologise.

The problem is not ups, its hoffa. He is the weakest union president since frank Fitzsimmons. It was idiotic to ratify the parcel contract when 54% voted no.

Ups does what any business would do, take a hard line, negotiate tough, and try to keep costs down. Hoffa on the other hand played us right into this mess.

We have no leadership, so a strike is doomed. That is why the employees will vote yes to pass agreement, they know they can't stand alone against the 800 lb gorilla that is the multi national company UPS.


Well-Known Member
Its funny that you ask a question and I answer it, and to you I will return with my tail between my legs.

How is it returning with my tail between my legs when I voted the same way all through out the process, I haven’t wavered, I’ve stayed strong to my principles. I’m not rich, I’m not making $100,000 but when push comes to shove I stopped letting people push me around and intimidate me to your way of thinking. There is no reasoning with someone that is irrational with fear.

So if it’s not passed, and if the company doesn’t close, and if there is a strike do you cross like a scab or walk with the rest of us? Simple question, remember I’m not small package, I’m a freight driver just like you. So this isn’t a small package person talking to a freight driver this is a freight driver talking to you. Did you watch our president of freight on upser’s? He said we will be returning after the vote, he didn’t say might return. Why are the teaching all the office personnel to run forklifts if they aren’t going to be open?


Got the T-Shirt
The problem is not ups, its hoffa. He is the weakest union president since frank Fitzsimmons. It was idiotic to ratify the parcel contract when 54% voted no.

Hoffa was just following the IBT constitution.

If you want to blame someone, go to the source. It was TDU and Ron Carey

that were instrumental in having the 50% 2/3 language placed in there.

It seems to me that most people who want to strike or votes no want to burn down the entire company.

That would be the former Overnite employees, who have never gotten over

the fact UPS owns them and has enforced "their" rules on them.

A type of accountability, they were not used to.


wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
All those talking tough are full of it. Its just words.

The contract will pass next weekend, because the employees are not going to commit economic suicide.

Every no voter will return to work with their tail between their legs and be screaming strike in 5 years, like they did five years ago.

Its all just hot air.
So the people that had the balls to vote no are the ones that will have their tails between their legs? That makes zero sense. All those no voters won’t have to convince their kids and wives “I did my best.”

futile process

Well-Known Member
Its funny that you ask a question and I answer it, and to you I will return with my tail between my legs.

How is it returning with my tail between my legs when I voted the same way all through out the process, I haven’t wavered, I’ve stayed strong to my principles. I’m not rich, I’m not making $100,000 but when push comes to shove I stopped letting people push me around and intimidate me to your way of thinking. There is no reasoning with someone that is irrational with fear.

So if it’s not passed, and if the company doesn’t close, and if there is a strike do you cross like a scab or walk with the rest of us? Simple question, remember I’m not small package, I’m a freight driver just like you. So this isn’t a small package person talking to a freight driver this is a freight driver talking to you. Did you watch our president of freight on upser’s? He said we will be returning after the vote, he didn’t say might return. Why are the teaching all the office personnel to run forklifts if they aren’t going to be open?

Probably because he knows the vote will be a very solid yes, because quite honestly most of :censored2: ourselves with the shut down announcement. All the TDU and strike talk is mostly hot air.

Since probably 99.9% of employees have never been on strike, I doubt any of know anything about it.
And quite honestly there isnt going to be strike because only a minority of employees are interested in that in all actually. Voting to authorize a strike is easy, actually striking? Not gonna happen. Its all just hot air and chest thumping. With that said, my family will always come first. I will never hurt my children to stand with a group of angery, bitter poeple who can't recognize how good there job really is and pays well,+benefits.
Name me one job in ltl that pays more with benefits included?


Well-Known Member
It looks like this will probably be my last post to you today, I have more important things then to talk in circles with someone that will not answer questions and just name calls instead of talk issues.

I have cheerleading and Gengar day with the 2 most important things in this world.

Calling me TDU when I have never been part of that organization is funny, you sound like management or the 3 people at my terminal that argue, they cant talk about the subject at hand they just get mad and scream TDU and refuse to have an intelligent conversation about the issues.

Have a good weekend, I know I will my kids are just waking up.

futile process

Well-Known Member
It looks like this will probably be my last post to you today, I have more important things then to talk in circles with someone that will not answer questions and just name calls instead of talk issues.

I have cheerleading and Gengar day with the 2 most important things in this world.

Calling me TDU when I have never been part of that organization is funny, you sound like management or the 3 people at my terminal that argue, they cant talk about the subject at hand they just get mad and scream TDU and refuse to have an intelligent conversation about the issues.

Have a good weekend, I know I will my kids are just waking up.

There was no name calling. And i didnt call you tdu. And i answeted your question. You just dont like the answer.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
Hoffa was just following the IBT constitution.

If you want to blame someone, go to the source. It was TDU and Ron Carey

that were instrumental in having the 50% 2/3 language placed in there.

That would be the former Overnite employees, who have never gotten over

the fact UPS owns them and has enforced "their" rules on them.

A type of accountability, they were not used to.

You can’t read or just stupid? Hoffa had a choice according to the constitution.

Frankie's Friend

Probably because he knows the vote will be a very solid yes, because quite honestly most of :censored2: ourselves with the shut down announcement. All the TDU and strike talk is mostly hot air.

Like the strike talk in 97?
I know that freight got low balled in the first offer (probably similar to pkg getting offered the C6 healthcare plan first to make the "enhanced" plan look better the second vote) and then were offered terms similar to the existing contract the second time.

So honestly, what are the sticking points now?

futile process

Well-Known Member
There are none. There is a sect of this companies employees who are just :censored2: stirring.

The biggest issue that affected all employees was the 182 increase in vacation punches and the 1800 hour pension credits.

The company reverted them back to 156 punches and 1500 hours.

Those issues affected 100% of the employees.

We make good money, we have the best medical in the industry, and a fully funded pension.

Only the vindictive and for lack of a better term, insane employees would want to strike at this point
That's why the contract will pass, and by a large %.


My Senior Picture
Hoffa was just following the IBT constitution.

If you want to blame someone, go to the source. It was TDU and Ron Carey

that were instrumental in having the 50% 2/3 language placed in there.
Come on now Bug, you have to know that isn't close to the truth, and almost a bold face lie.

The truth is, prior to TDU and Ron Carey getting involved, the rule was worse.

Before that, it didn't matter if 100% of the members voted, a two thirds was required to reject a "final offer".

The History of the “2/3 Rule” on Teamster Contracts

Are you really that jaded, as to compromise your credibility to smear TDU and validate Hoffa???



Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Ok. I apologise.

The problem is not ups, its hoffa. He is the weakest union president since frank Fitzsimmons. It was idiotic to ratify the parcel contract when 54% voted no.

Ups does what any business would do, take a hard line, negotiate tough, and try to keep costs down. Hoffa on the other hand played us right into this mess.

We have no leadership, so a strike is doomed. That is why the employees will vote yes to pass agreement, they know they can't stand alone against the 800 lb gorilla that is the multi national company UPS.
UPS is on here reading this and laughing.