Its funny that you ask a question and I answer it, and to you I will return with my tail between my legs.
How is it returning with my tail between my legs when I voted the same way all through out the process, I haven’t wavered, I’ve stayed strong to my principles. I’m not rich, I’m not making $100,000 but when push comes to shove I stopped letting people push me around and intimidate me to your way of thinking. There is no reasoning with someone that is irrational with fear.
So if it’s not passed, and if the company doesn’t close, and if there is a strike do you cross like a scab or walk with the rest of us? Simple question, remember I’m not small package, I’m a freight driver just like you. So this isn’t a small package person talking to a freight driver this is a freight driver talking to you. Did you watch our president of freight on upser’s? He said we will be returning after the vote, he didn’t say might return. Why are the teaching all the office personnel to run forklifts if they aren’t going to be open?