Where did you say that, I missed it and don't kid yourself I have watched for it.
copy of the original police report was released in 2000, I have found no evidence that the records were sealed by anyone but an existing state law that protected minors from public release of such records. The accident happened 14 years before she ever met Bush, her parents were no one special to garner favors from authorities. Unless you can prove the records were sealed when Bush became governor, I consider that to be false also.
Drunk or sober ? Your claim was that she was drunk at the time of the accident, a FALSE statement on your part.
She was NOT coming from a college party(your second lie on this topic), they were on their way TO a college party.
Was she negligent? yep, she even says she so. Disrespecting the law ? Not necessarily, teenagers are often distracted while driving and I would be willing to bet that you are as well from time to time. In 1963 it was not uncommon for people involved in accidents not to be given a ticket by the police unless the drivers were drinking at the time (she was not). Back then accidents were just that accidents. Yes, today it is different, specially in fatalities and probably rightfully so.
Laura Bush's alleged "drinking problems", true or not, are irrelevant TO the accident in 1963 but could be a result.
Yea, since Laura Bush has been a public figure, her persona, her actions and her speech has been nothing but CLASSY.
SO, is your post, quoted above, your admission that you LIED about Laura Bush being drunk when she had a fatal accident in 1963?