About these pipe bombs

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Strength through joy
Upon seeing the example of what these pipe bombs look like I found two issues; It looks like a Canadian canceled stamp is on the parcel and the return address has Florida misspelled. Now they are saying that some of the NY area parcels may have been dropped off, makes me think that person(s) behind all of this maybe non postal workers.


Retired 23 years
Upon seeing the example of what these pipe bombs look like I found two issues; It looks like a Canadian canceled stamp is on the parcel and the return address has Florida misspelled. Now they are saying that some of the NY area parcels may have been dropped off, makes me think that person(s) behind all of this maybe non postal workers.

sounds to me like @rickyb


Strength through joy
I have been wondering how all the HollyWood A Listers and members of the ranks of D's are feeling now that they did not make the cut to receive a fake pipe bomb ? Has anyone seen Alyssa Milano tweeting out her address ?


Strength through joy
First group being blamed is the R's , while most others think it is another backfire attempt by the D's. Time will tell who was right.


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