It appears Line-and-initial is too complicated given their limited vernacular to process precise information above one’s reading level. Line-and-initial’s slanderous defamation against a truth teller comes off as either a “bonafide lunatic” or a repeat offender that’s UPS Modus Operandi 101 of a management troll attempting to divide & conquer solidarity from those of us that dare speak the truth of nothing more than a modern day sweat shop. These types laugh in labor’s faces, convincing himself we don’t see through the rhetoric. Things that make you say hmm

like UPS spinners attempting to SEQUESTER & CONCEAL the TRUTH of UPS’ nefarious Corporate Culture of how UPS managers & the criminals at the top are directing the Company be ran by ordering & implementing abuse of a dysfunctional corporate culture of workplace violence & retaliation against labor as UPS’ primary methodology of labor containment.
Mr. DD, another high paid UPS lobbyist, falsely alleges:
“Have Integrity in everything you do & say, integrity beyond reproach.
Integrity is not just a word it’s a way of life. That’s what we say at UPS.”
Voluminous amounts of evidence “Beyond Reasonable Doubt” proves integrity is just hypocritical lip service at UPS with borders that does not apply to UPS leadership & is a forbidden trait in UPS managers. At UPS words like: Integrity, Truth, Honesty, Loyalty, etc. are
View attachment 381120empty words that no longer have meaning because UPS is a Company that enforces a “DO AS I say, NOT AS I DO” Corporate Culture, rather than a “LEAD BY EXAMPLE” ideology.