If you were able to use logic (as mentioned before) you'd see the idiocy in your comparing auto, home, and airplane insurance to the ACA. And this is the hilarious part..... your own words "when you ride them", "when you buy a home", " when you fly", should have clued you in to the fact that we are not REQUIRED to buy any of those products. We are only required to carry the insurance for these products if WE decide to purchase them. There is no government mandate for us to purchase those products.
Wow, and you people can vote. That is freaking scary. There is no hope for this country or the human race with people like you running things.
Whats scary is that you believe everything you post.
The ACA is the same way... you idiot.
You dont HAVE to purchase insurance, you just pay the FINE..
What is it about REALITY that continues to ESCAPE your particular mind? Do you and the other right wing nuts get together to plot your strategies before posting??
I can just picture the room where you all gather...
Of course, you try to change my words and give them a new meaning, but sorry bub, that doesnt fly. All people who want to drive cars MUST have insurance. ALL people who buy homes MUST buy home owners insurance, ALL people who want to ride a motorcycle MUST have insurance, ALL people who want to fly an airplane MUST have insurance.
If a person, decides not to purchase a car, a motorcycle, a home, a plane, or anything else requiring "mandated" insurance, then they pay nothing, however, they do pay for transportation costs provided by another form when they travel.. Either way, they pay "something" for getting around. Same with a home, they may not buy one, but they have to pay RENT and that comes with homeowners insurance built into the monthly rent.
Of course, you already know this, ( I hope ) and Ill give you credit for knowing such, however, the ACA does not force ANYONE to buy insurance.
You are welcomed O.U.T. to purchase NOTHING, and dont carry insurance at all, however, you will pay a fine/levy/tax for not carrying that insurance because at some point in your life, you will need care, and rather than putting YOUR costs onto the backs of every other american, you will instead pay into a reserve that will cover those costs and bring the costs of the insured down rather than UP having to cover your uninsured rear end.
The ACA is clear, you dont have to buy insurance if you dont want to, but your FREE RIDE is over..
You will be "Forced" to be responsible, rather than irresponsible as in the past.
You may not like the law, and frankly, I could care less about your opinions, the law is here to stay.
Complain all you want, cry all the tears you can possibly muster, but at the end of the day, all you will have is soggy hands and pockets full of useless complaints.
Get over it bro, YOU LOST THIS FIGHT and in a years time, you will have lost the White House once again.