accorn gets burnt again


golden ticket member
I never heard of ACORN until B.O. came into the picture. I just remember how the news showed that one ACORN lady saying to a group of people to vote for Obama......and they were suppose to be helping folks to register, not telling them how to vote.

Then later when they signed some guy up to vote 70-some times.....Red flags were going up for me then. :sad-little:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
ACORN also didn't have a business license to operate in the state of Maryland, I guess they cheated on that too.....


Strength through joy
ACORN Video: Prostitution Scandal in San Diego, CA

by James O'Keefe With 70 miles of stunning beaches and picture-perfect weather all year round, having fun during the summer in San Diego doesn’t require a lot of money.
The city combines old-fashioned Mexican charm with a modern edge. In a city where the sun is always shining, it’s the perfect place to get away for a bit of relaxation or stimulation.
If you’re looking for trendy boutique hotels, an exploding culinary scene, or visiting the local ACORN to get your underage prostitutes smuggled across the Mexican border, you’re in the right place.

And another video appears.

Does anyone see a trend ?


Staff member
What got me was the EASE with which the ACORN employees offered up advice on how to defraud the IRS. They seemed very comfortable doing it.



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
It looks like ACORN employees don't mind taking money from the Federal government, they just don't like paying to it.


Staff member
I thought this was interesting:
52 seconds

hat's how long it takes the feds to spend its ACORN funding during the course of a year's spending.
Thomas Schaller

Less than a minute, just 52 seconds.

That's how long it would take for the federal government to spend all its monies annually on ACORN, if monies were spent at a consistent and continuous level from midnight on the start of the fiscal year until midnight at its end.

Here's my math:

    • According to this report, between 1994 and 2008, a period of 15 years, there have been $53.6 million in documented federal outlays. That comes out to roughly $3.6 million a year. To be conservative, so to speak, I'll assume some outlays have been missed somehow and just round this figure up to an even $5 million annually.
    • To also be conservative, let's also use a smaller divisor than the current proposed budget. Let's use George W. Bush's final proposed budget, which was a bit more than $3 trillion--the first president ever to propose a $3 trillion budget, a moment in American history you cannot possibly forget because the streets of Washington in February 2008 were so flooded with angry teapartiers waving copies of the Constitution that we had to shut down the city. In any case, I'll also round down Bush's final budget to an even $3 trillion.
    • That means ACORN's average annual outlay of (a rounded up) $5 million as a share of Bush's final (rounded down) $3 trillion budget comes out to 1/600,000th of federal spending.
    • There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year (60secs x 60mins x 24hours x 365days). When you divide that figure by 600,000, you get 52 seconds.

Which means if you started spending just ACORN's federal dollars on midnight, October 1, before you reached 12:01 am the monies would be exhausted--about 52 seconds into the fiscal year.

Look, I really don't care about ACORN's federal funding situation one way or the other. And the pimp scandal was an embarrassment to the organization. Perhaps the organization fully deserved to have its funding yanked, as Congress did today.

Has there ever been so much fuss--from Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity and all their hyperventilating followers--dedicated to such small sums? There are, after all, 31,535,948 seconds left in the federal spending year. I realize that to conservatives it's about the principle, not the sums. They wouldn't want a cent being spent on this organization.

But geez: Never has so much energy been spent by so many ranting so often about so little. Heck, I'm betting the administrative, paperwork and staffing costs the Federal Communication Commission and IRS expend each year merely to process the regulatory paperwork and tax forms filed by FOX News, if calculated in the same way I have above, probably takes at least a minute.


Well-Known Member
Up to now, most of the the people bashing ACORN were a bunch of hypocritical bush-voting, McCain voting authoritarian control-freak order seeking chaos causers.

Thanks to these brave young people and Fox News, everyone can clearly see the intentions of these nut jobs.

The video from the Ca. office is a crack up. Mr. Vera, now claims he can't speak or understand the english language properly. I guess, Sammy Sosa found a job.

It's leader, Bertha something. Said that ACORN, doesn't need federal funding, well stop asking for it. Also, didn't this organization sign a contract with the IRS for census 2010?

Hold on to your ACORN, this ride is not over yet. Can't wait for some of its officials to start throwing a few Democrats under the bus for cutting federal funding, the suspense is killing me, the ending will be like a movie.

Maybe it will all go away and Pelosi, will cry us into submission.


Well-Known Member
I thought this was interesting:

I don't find it all that interesting. Its no secret the fed burns through cash at an alarming rate, but the fact that this organization is taking that federal money, and potentially using it to lobby that same federal government and or using it for other political purposes is unacceptable. Not to mention using taxpayer money to train its employees on how to make a pimp and prostitute seem like a legal business for fraud purposes proves this to be too shady an organization to receive a single taxpayer dollar.


golden ticket member
I really hate the title of this thread !!! Acorn isn't getting burnt, they are getting what's coming to people who commit fraud and justly so.
Acorn is not the victim !!


Well-Known Member
I really hate the title of this thread !!! Acorn isn't getting burnt, they are getting what's coming to people who commit fraud and justly so.
Acorn is not the victim !!

You might take your disagreement up with management.

Look at the bright side of Obama's election. Had McCain won, ACORN would still be hiding in the weeds doing all that dirty work they've been doing for years. Now, more sunshine has hit the spot and started to dry things out. You know, like my former flooded backyard!



Obama & ACORN are one & the same. They represent corruption while disquised as humanitarians. I hope the Obama voters out there are seeing this for what it is. We got the historical thing out of the way & held hands & said "look how far we've come." Now in a few years maybe we can vote for our candidates based on the content of their character.


Well-Known Member
You can tell, Halloween season is approaching. The rightwing without a bogeyman to fear can't survive long. Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight. Exit light, enter night.......Enter ACORN!
Finally, something for the Republican party to use to stoke fear among its constituency. Acorn is perfect. The nationwide community group is full of scary black and poor people – who tend to support Democrats. And, most convenient of all, it registers millions of them :surprised:, legally, to vote in US elections. Spooky. :2scared:
Stop Acorn, and you can stop the rise of citizen democracy.
Acorn has long been a target for Republicans, who have attempted to tar and feather it with accusations of voter fraud before the 2008 election, (and several elections prior) when names like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Mary Poppins showed up on a handful of voter registration forms collected by Acorn. (Never mind the fact that none of these fictional characters actually voted and that Acorn itself flagged the fraudulent registration forms and turned them in to election officials, as required by law.) But now the vilification of Acorn is in full swing again. A couple of rightwing operatives. the pimp and the prostitute, caught a few, dumb, low-level Acorn employees suggesting ways in which they could get around US law and avoid paying taxes on her "business". Acorn immediately fired the employees, of course, after the videotapes were made public. But that hasn't stopped Republican opportunists, led by Fox News, from calling for the entire organization's destruction.
The point of the demonising is to shut down their effective voter registration process and, in the bargain, further the Republican push for state-issued photo ID requirements at polling places, even as they know full-well that some 20 to 30 million Americans – mostly urban, elderly, minority and student (read: Democratic-leaning) – voters don't have such IDs and would not be allowed to exercise their legal right to vote.

It's ironically strang when the Bush Adm itself its absolute highest levels was discovered to have tortured and abused prisoners at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere, resulting in actual death, the right wingnut apologists write it off as the act of a few low-level "bad apples". No accountability for those who actually instituted the policies.
But when a few actual low-level bad apples – who happen to be African-American, and working for a group fighting for the American Dream for all Americans – commit petty stupidity, the entire organization must be brought down in order to save the country. Very juvenile, petty, and such bigger fish to fry.......


golden ticket member
"And, most convenient of all, it registers millions of them :surprised:, legally, to vote in US elections. Spooky"

Yeah, like the guy in Cleveland who was registered 72 times.......

A new direction for fears.....the Muslim day of prayer......thank goodness it's pouring rain where it's being held. (D.C.) :peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Diesel, you've been inhaling too much of it. ACORN got caught with their pants down and now, opened themselves to further scrutiny. You blame the Republican party for the open season on this organization, yet it's the Democrats that have gone on the offensive towards ACORN.

The Pelosi power machine is now in control, don't blame the Republicans for this fallout. The Obama administration and Congress, can bring up all the criminal charges they want towards former Bush officials, the FBI and CIA. Let's see if they have the political will to do so, especially the latter two.

Why do those on the left always and I mean always bring up race and or try to defend us. I'm an Independent and call out both parties when appropriate. Minorities need to stop relying on Democrats to represent our interest at the local, state and federal level.


Staff member
Actually, I think the only problem with ACORN is that they were trying to do a job they aren't trained for. The Pimp and the Prostitute needed a tax accountant, not community organizers. Want proof? What is the local lingerie and massage parlor doing in the back room? Or how 'bout the strippers? Are those "tips" being claimed and just what are the tips for anyway? How are the brothels in Nevada classified? A good tax accountant could make it all right.


golden ticket member
Report: ACORN-Affiliated Group Gets $300,000 More In Taxpayer Money…
Follow the money.
(TheDC) — An affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) received another $300,000 in taxpayer funding in early August, The Daily Caller has learned.

President Barack Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the $300,000 grant to the post-ACORN ally: The Affordable Housing Centers of America (AHCOA). The Obama administration awarded the money despite a 2010 law saying no taxpayer funds could be issued to ACORN “or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or allied organizations.”
AHCOA was previously named “Acorn Housing Corporation,” a group that did a lot of business with ACORN. Acorn Housing changed its name to AHCOA in late 2009.

Until the end of August, AHCOA’s website boasted that it was “formerly Acorn Housing Corporation.” The organization has since removed that bit of history.

The “new” organization has the same Chicago address and phone number as Acorn Housing did. AHCOA has also been using Acorn Housing’s old Data Universal Number System (DUNS) code to apply for and receive taxpayer-funded grants. A DUNS number is unique, organization-specific and location-specific, implying that AHCOA may be no different from Acorn Housing.