I'd say when Obama personally comes to your house to take your gun away, tell him, no need "I shoot blanks".....
Your absolutely right Tie, except many here are crying simply because Democrats live at 1600 Penn Ave and control the Hill....It's all political

Acorn had a few dishonest assocciates, but what corperation or bureaucratic agency doesn't?
Remember the good ole days folks, when all you had to do was dis-agree with Bush or say your anti-Iraq and you were labeled un-Patriotic ?
Now with the tables turned, and the
Gov't is out to get us 
, have some abandaned they patriotic superority? I mean, can you believe this newly elected imperfect administration wants to provide us affordable healthcare, ween us of foriegn oil, create infrastruture and green jobs, regulate assault weapons and tabacco, and repair the damage of the last eight years, and worst of all, they want to take a census

OMG ! Enough to stick your head out the window and scream "I'm not going to take it anymore"...lol Drama Queens
Zzzzz Zzzzzz.....wake up, we should be buying surplus amounts of assualt guns/ammo and ready ourselves to protect ourselves from Gov't and law enforcement officials, conduct grass root campaigns not to participate with the cencus bureau, prevent millions of Americans from obtaining healthcare benefits, sign petitions written by whack job conspiracy theorists proclaiming the leader of the free world is not their president and wasn't born here, and worst of all, teach children "Obama's a Muslim" who wants to kill your 3rd tri-mester fetus with the audacity to let science develope miracules cures from stem cells. .....Who'll join me in my heavily armed fenced in compound with buckets of kool aid, to protect "us patriots" from these Gov't census bureau leeches who hate America....that little old lady asking me census questions is gonna eat lead !

wake up....wake up......oh, I must have dozed off...I had a dream I was a newly recruited anti gov't right winger....