Well-Known Member
Frame it anyway you like, but the growing nonwhite electorate does not believe we have "gotten past race" and that combined with alot of whites is a significant number.
Like that of our prison population.
Frame it anyway you like, but the growing nonwhite electorate does not believe we have "gotten past race" and that combined with alot of whites is a significant number.
You mean forged one?
I believe the Birth certificate is real and not forged --and sorry birthers --Obama was born in Hawaii.
Shame on everyone who have missed it for so long--why Obama CANNOT--show his birth certificate???It would absolutely prove he is NOT the first Black President.
After his "father" abandoned them ---White Mother --and White Grandparents --at the Hospital after birth --the Hospital gave the slightly darker skin baby to mom along with the birth certificate that proves he was born as WHITE child.
Argue if you will --but being White does not fit into the equasion today !!![]()
Frame it anyway you like, but the growing nonwhite electorate does not believe we have "gotten past race" and that combined with alot of whites is a significant number.
Frame it anyway you like, but the growing nonwhite electorate does not believe we have "gotten past race" and that combined with alot of whites is a significant number.
According to Pew Research, 131 million voted in 2008' with 76% of that vote white and on 12% African American. If Obama carried the entire African American vote at just over 15 million and we'll even add in all the Hispanic vote of about 7 mil and the Asian vote of just under 3 million, that totals 25 million non white votes for Obama. Since Obama received almost 70 million total votes, this means 45 million whites voted for Obama. Without the white vote, Obama doesn't even come close. The white vote is what elected Obama.
What ever non white America perceives, the numbers show it was white Americans who ran the table for Obama and the same is basically true in 2012'. Of the people who voted against Obama, even with any other democrat of your choice, white, black or otherwise, they would have only voted republican and never would vote democrat. The vote was about party and political narrative and not a GAWD DAMN THING TO DO WITH RACE!
You guys in the north are far, far, far more race obsessed than we southerners are accused of being. Speaks volumes.
You guys really need to put this thread to bed because when all said and done, Trayvon will still be dead and Zimmerman will still be innocent. Right or wrong it will still be that way
I would laugh -if it were not so sad. President Obama in so many words --directly said that young black men commit a disproportionate number of crimes and that is the "excuse" people use to fear young black men in the street , elevators etc etc.
How about that IS the REASON why people fear Black young men.
How about working on the two main reasons for poverty --and Racism is not one of them.
Born to a single parent and dropping out of school =Poverty
So...instead of writing about the all important "scandals", Giles writes about the diversion? That's stupid...unless there really isn't anything to say about the "scandals".
Via Shark Tank:
Democratic Congresswoman Frederica Wilson delivered one of the most racially divisive speeches I may have ever heard. The setting was the National Action Network’s Miami rally this weekend that aimed at pressuring the Department of Justice to press civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. Unfortunately, because of the poor audio quality, crowd noise, and Wilson’s constant movements away from the microphone, much of the speech was inaudible. Some of the controversial statements that Wilson made did however record clearly:
“America, little black boys and big boys, and black grown men, will continue to be singled out and arrested for driving while black, shopping while black, walking while black, eating while black, and just being plain ol’ black!”
So...instead of writing about the all important "scandals", Giles writes about the diversion? That's stupid...unless there really isn't anything to say about the "scandals".
You mean "anything more" that will only continue to fall on willfully deaf ears.
Can't wait for the first road to be named for TM.
It will probably end at a cemetery .