address corections??



Ok2bclever, you are exactly right. Just because a homemade sticker is attached to the package requesting that shipments with bad addresses be returned rather than corrected, does not mean it will happen. Most might be returned, but if a package is ad corrected, then that customer will be responsible for the charges regardless if there is a sticker on the package or not. I believe this can be set up at the account level, but it would have to be a very lucrative customer and it would take the better part of 3 months to get it implemented.


In 5 years of shipping everyday I have had 1 package returned back to was missing an apt. number..
after hearing all the talk about labor cost and storage cost and man hrs trying to find the right address..I dont feel any pity for a company who sticks a few million up a wild hogs ass and hollers SUEY..every year..IE..NASCAR...


Anyone who responds to this maroon and his posts, is wasting their energy and time.
As I stated earlier, blkcloud is also ezralive..Monte....and probably a few others that just post :censored2:.



No, stating a belief derived from personal observation from your neck of the woods as a fact is what is actually irrelevant.

An account exec in tennesee getting a company or a couple of companies address correction charges negated doesn't dictate UPS national policy.

As racerx just confirmed, it is not UPS policy to absolve the customer regardless of what non-official UPS thing they write on the package.


blkcloud, no offense as I am just honestly concerned for you, but have you been tested to see if you are bi-polar?

There is effective medicine for that if you are.


UPS Worldship and UPS Internet shipping have address validation on them. You can find out if UPS will see it as a "bad address" or not. Go to the tools menu and select "Validate Ship to Address". Works for me. (I use Worldship)


Problem with address validation is that I have used it several times and it says the address is not valid. Including mine. So while it might work some of the time, it is not that reliable.



Well, it isn't totally comprehensive, but if it validates it you know you will avoid an address correction charge on that delivery.


Something else to be aware of is the validation process is quite fussy.

It doesn't like things like periods.

You don't want to put S.W. Main St.

It won't recognize it.

Where it probably will if you put SW Main St

or SouthWest Main Street.


hey clever, i'm not bi polar..i just speak my mind..i was really getting a good feeling from you all when i started reading about all the cost incured here and trying to make a profit and what all has to be done to keep your head above water then for some reason all that stupid jazz about racing the truck popped into my head and i remembered watching a tv show that told how much it cost per year to run a nascar team..thats when i fell off the band wagon...i now have figured out that all the extry fees you all add go to dale jarret.. I imagine he is higher than mid-tier..
"NASCAR keeps the cost of sponsorships a trade secret, like tire compounds or something, but you should be able nab a primary sponsor role in a mid-tier team for $10 million a year and up."


blkcloud-you ever hear of a advertising budget? Also didn't USPS sponsor Lance Armstrong? What does he have to do with the mail (unless they were strapping some mail pouches on his back while he raced). Also doesn't Fedex have a Nascar car? Not having these things wouldn't affect these companies budgets in the least.
If you have people who tell you not to use their street address but use their rr number then use the post office or tell them you can't.


"Speak my mind" yep, sound normal, then spitting insults, then normal and friendly sounding, then insulting.

Sounds bi-polar to me.

Ummm, how do you know you are not?


here is how i know i'm not bi mother in law was bi polar...hi one day low the next..i pretty much stay on a even scale and usually pretty easy to get along with..on the other hand you never knew how she might react..the last time she had a "issue" she took a 12 gauge and blew her brains out..


Sorry to hear that if it is true.

Your responses have mimiced the description you just gave for it though.

Friendly and then insulting, back and forth.


whoa fella, i don't know, but this might me news to you, it was to me. we get our address information from the USPS. UPS pays money for the USPS address management database. how is that for an explantion to our address woes. then you get into the zips that are postal in nature only. those zips are for the post office boxes and the post offices themselves. those zipcodes don't relate to actual physical addresses and won't come up on any USPS zipcode boundries map. some "corporate" zipcodes are the exception. large companines and some colleges have their own zipcodes, which may or may not be on the map. UPS has the ability to create an "alais" address in the new system, it's just a matter of getting mgmt. and the driver together to input that info.
as far as address correcting the package on area, i'd rather get it delivered first off, then bill the shipper to get their attention, because the next driver on that delivery might not know where it really needs to go, so we loose at least a day, if not a week if it has to be postcarded. Then it still ends up with an address correction.
If the shipper wants to dispute the billing charge, that's fine but i hope they update their address book also.