You can be the one to tell all those kids born with HIV that "too bad, you're going to die."
Bagels, my wife has been an R.N. for the past 35 years in a variety of capacities ranging from ICU (Coronary, Neonatal, etc.) to Hospice and private duty.
At no time in the past does she ever remember someone getting turned down for any type of medical condition or emergency based on lack of income or insurance. Currently, the private grade school in which she is a part-time school nurse, there are a number of families that receive free medical care along with all the free diabetic supplies that they need while other "middle class" families pay full price.
The ONLY point that I am trying to make is that long before "ObamaCare", our health care system seemed to work fine. Those that were in need were cared for and others that could afford it paid for their own supplies and insurance.
I recently had a discussion with my long time trusted family physician about "ObamaCare". T
ragically, he informed me that he will no longer have his own medical practice because of "ObamaCare". He stated that within the next two years, he and other physicians are being forced out of having their own practices. He said that they will ALL be working directly for the hospitals. The reason he gave is that the Medicare payments he receives is being further reduced to the point of being forced out of business. In other words, our government is significantly reducing Medicare in a variety of ways.....NONE of them good for us.
In addition to the above two sources of information, I also recently had dinner with a first year resident (M.D.) who happens to be the son of a good UPS management friend of mine. (Yes Hoaxster....he actually reports directly to Corporate.....we started loading together 34 years ago.). The information he provided me on the whole medical health care crisis was centered around "GREED" on the part of medical equipment manufactures and drug companies. His live in girlfriend happens to have a PharmD. and works for CVS. She was also at the dinner. BTW, he also informed me that NO patient that shows up at ER can be turned down for medical treatment, regardless of having insurance or not.
In Summary..... The healthcare system that we had in place before "The Affordable Health Care Act" was not broken. It may not have been perfect....but no system really is. Although I had a neutral opinion about ObamaCare before, I now have a VERY negative view of this plan now. It is putting my long time physician out of business, it is undoubtably going to adversely affect Medicare (Elderly, etc), and it is obviously affecting our current negotiations among other issues. Bottom line in my opinion..... our two party political system is TEARING this country apart. There seems to be no room for us Independents that try and understand all views and come up with reasonable compromises...
I REALLY hope that you and Mr. Atomic can come with some common ground or at least at one point..... agree to disagree in an amicable manner.