Affirmative Action Struck Down By SCOTUS

In what way does it justify racism?
Have you considered that your obsession with race is in fact what makes you yourself a racist?
I posted a supporting link.

Your replies to me prove that the TOS do not apply to you.

Have you considered you may, in fact not be not only a bigot, a racist, but also someone who has a predilection towards Nazism?

Are you a proponent of the Father Coughlin school of Catholicism?


Inordinately Right
Have you considered you may, in fact not be not only a bigot, a racist, but also someone who has a predilection towards Nazism?
Have you considered that you're the one obsessed with race, not me?

Have you considered the Nazi ties to your own political party? Maybe you should learn a thing or two. Start here:


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What is truly pathetic is using a fake quote that is often used by racists to justify their racism, much like the out of context MLK quote bandied about by racists to justify their racism.

Why do you have free rein to violate the TOS? I'm new here, and really don't understand. Are you a moderator, or just buddies with one or more of them?
Do you have the slightest clue what racism is? And can you explain the racism of DIDO’s meme?


Well-Known Member
Who was right and who was wrong regarding Affirmative Action, we won't know until about a decade from now. If there is no appreciable change in college enrollment diversity then the Right was right However if college enrollment diversity looks like University of Alabama 1955 we will already know what the Right will have to say about it.....nothing. Because 'Bama 1955 is their idea of higher education.

The Creative LLC case? Some of the greediest mother fornicators I've even known are " Christians"....Yea right. When it comes to disciplines and by laws Christianity is whatever they and their self righteous might claim it to be.
Now you might see a few examples where vendors refuse to serve LGBTQ people but overall given how greedy they are I expect the vast majority will pay no attention to who the person is what they look who they sleep with or any similar aspects regarding their private lives .

The only color Christians care about is the color green because the voice of Christianity always falls silent every time the almighty dollar comes calling.

Those were the exact words I spoke to a Christian Missionary Alliance preacher who looked down at the ground turned around walked away in silence. No surprise. They are always spending a sizeable share of their sermon time talking directly or indirectly about money.


Well-Known Member
Who was right and who was wrong regarding Affirmative Action, we won't know until about a decade from now. If there is no appreciable change in college enrollment diversity then the Right was right However if college enrollment diversity looks like University of Alabama 1955 we will already know what the Right will have to say about it.....nothing. Because 'Bama 1955 is their idea of higher education.

The Creative LLC case? Some of the greediest mother fornicators I've even known are " Christians"....Yea right. When it comes to disciplines and by laws Christianity is whatever they and their self righteous might claim it to be.
Now you might see a few examples where vendors refuse to serve LGBTQ people but overall given how greedy they are I expect the vast majority will pay no attention to who the person is what they look who they sleep with or any similar aspects regarding their private lives .

The only color Christians care about is the color green because the voice of Christianity always falls silent every time the almighty dollar comes calling.

Those were the exact words I spoke to a Christian Missionary Alliance preacher who looked down at the ground turned around walked away in silence. No surprise. They are always spending a sizeable share of their sermon time talking directly or indirectly about money.
You've gone to some interesting churches apparently. The ones I attended didn't say anything about money other than to take up the collection plate.


Well-Known Member
Nothing, except when it excludes kids who don't have access to the same opportunities.There will be an extreme over-representation of Asians. Your side acts like it's a great victory, because all of those Rust Belt kids will now "succeed". No, and never, because they won't do the hard work. The SCOTUS decision gained your side nothing but "getting their way". It's completely ironic and hypocritical to have Clarence Thomas, who was a product of AA, have anything to do with it.
You can't level a playing field and a fair game when some of the players have both hands tied behind their backs.
Both hands....

How exactly?

Like their parents drop them off at 0700 at elementary school with weed wafting out of the car?

Or their parents not even taking them to school?

Or early dismissal for a nail appointment?

Or missing large amounts of school to deal with "trans" issues?

Or hoping for an NBA career at 5'-7"?

Tell us more....


Well-Known Member
Whataboutism is a sign of low intelligence. Right, the Supreme Court, one third of which is comprised of unqualified judges appointed by a con artist is definitely a better arbiter of Equal Protection than decades of judicial precedent set by qualified judges. I don’t work for FedEx.
And a third are appointed for their skin color or sex. Their liberalism confirms that was about the only reason....