You called a whole segment of the voting populace "idiots" apparently because they disagree with you. Considering the law is not yet fully implemented and the benefits and costs not yet realized it is hard to see where your damnation of the law comes from unless simple hatred of everything Obama. Furthermore, any law can be tweaked and reformed in the future, even repealed if folk come to believe it harmful or overly distasteful. So I am not sure what you mean by "lower yourself to my level". If it is that I used the word "idiot", you must forgive me for adopting a word that you have shown yourself cognizant of in the post immediately prior to mine.
You used so I used it --very childish.
Face the FACTS. America has been dumbed down in many areas. Look at our actual Math and Reading scores compared to other countries.
When either comedy shows, commentator shows etc-- do man on the street interviews with college age students.
Do they know who the VP IS / NO
Do they know the secretary of State --- NO
Do they know anything about our Tax structure, debt,defecit,QE--ANY SERIOUS ISSUE OF THE DAY?
On one interview a student thought that Bengazi was Hillary Clinton's new dog ?????
Sure they know who won American Idol and Dancing with the stars and are right up their with the latest on Snooky or Kardashian.
Bon Jovi, Springstein, Jay Z , Longoria all got the uneducated young to vote. They have no idea for what ---just that it was the PCP GUY.
In another thread when I had asked --Who is covered by Obamacare ----you believed it was "the working poor" and it would cover you.
Better take a closer look ---many of the idiots starting next year will have to buy --jacked up rates by private providers due to the Obama Mandates. No tweaks ---that is the LAW.
I look at reality ----Look at where the premiums have gone -----rising quicker with the mandates.
The deal was when all of the working people that do not have Insurance -buy it---The insurance Companies WILL PROBABLY AND SHOULD bring their Premiums down ---but I would not bet on it.
What you will see after millions are laying out insurance money or paying fines ---Insurance after climbing over 40 percent ---will drop a few percentages points ----and idiots that drink the Kool aid wil celebrate.
Also millions of people in total poverty will remain uncovered because the Supreme Court also ruled that STATES CANNOT BE forced TO expand MEDICARE.
p.s I have little time nor respect for people that make direct personal attacks on the cafe.
Calling the young idiots or calling the politicians idiots or management or drivers --does not bring it to the PERSONAL LEVEL. I could explain further --but I am sure you would not be able to comprehend