After the storm; what can we do differently?


So danny what would the procedure be for applying this, im thinking it would take 4 or 5 days to apply, washing the floor, acid etching, patching any holes, and apply and cure? its a good idea just may not be feasable to close a building for a week.


Senior Member
I thought texans stood up for themselves, now i can see why the alamo fell!
you have only seen the movie and believed the BS about what the Alamo was about.
Even most Texans do not know the depth of the politics, strategy and logistics involved in the battle of San Antonio.
BTW, the Mexicans came back and tried to take San Antonio back, after we had won the war .
The free Republic of Texas,
kicked their butts,again.
The Mexican American war at the beginning of the last century.
A forgotten war rarely taught in schools.
We (Texans) took the fight to them down into their own country and kicked butt,again.
Keep your comments to what you know,
ie: corrupt teamster history, if you will even admit to that.


you have only seen the movie and believed the BS about what the Alamo was about.
Even most Texans do not know the depth of the politics, strategy and logistics involved in the battle of San Antonio.
BTW, the Mexicans came back and tried to take San Antonio back, after we had won the war .
The free Republic of Texas,
kicked their butts,again.
The Mexican American war at the beginning of the last century.
A forgotten war rarely taught in schools.
We (Texans) took the fight to them down into their own country and kicked butt,again.
Keep your comments to what you know,
ie: corrupt teamster history, if you will even admit to that.

Had a chance to visit the alamo while in the service. two distinct impressions. Never realized just how deep in the city it is and how close it is to the sky scrapers. Second I was overwhelmed with visualizing what those brave americans faced back then. There was a strong feeling of saddness and humility that has haunted me since. We should never let our petty disagreements here detract us from their heroic deeds.


back on topic. Sober take some notes for the next time. Chances are you may not see another series of storms like these for a while. If so you may have a different center manager by then who may appreciate the feedback and insight. If its me by then I would definitely welcome the advice of an old timer; big hairy gorilla or not.:happy-very:
back on topic. Sober take some notes for the next time. Chances are you may not see another series of storms like these for a while. If so you may have a different center manager by then who may appreciate the feedback and insight. If its me by then I would definitely welcome the advice of an old timer; big hairy gorilla or not.:happy-very:
LOL, Sober is probably thinking, " Screw the notes, I hope I'm long gone before this crap hits again."
A few years back, every preload was supposed to develop a "silly sort" plan. (It used to be called a knowledge sort, before PAS made knowledge into something silly.) This was the result of several major preloads crashing & burning due to computer problems the day after a rollout of UDC upgrades.

The preloads were supposed to design ahead of time how to manage running a non-PAS sort when 75% of inside employees were PAS-dependent. You would think that UPS would require similar contingency planning for severe snow during peak.

A center team can identify ahead of time which neighborhoods will be inaccessible due to snow, which business arterials are plowed by the city and deliverable at half the pace of a normal day, etc. Rather than build the same old 60 peak routes with their usual territory on a snow day, let a center send out the 60 drivers to deliver the areas of town that can be done. Plan out each driver at a 7-hour day on paper if that's appropriate to how snow affects your area.

Let the center teams plan for triage, rather than doing it on the fly. You can SPA the retained volume direct to retain trailers. If you set up the dispatch plan intelligently, you can unload the retain trailers with the same SPAs directly onto a "mop-up" plan. Don't put your greenest peak hire on the retain trailer pickoffs. Pay your hub rats to doubleshift and put them on the pickoff; they know how to do it. Your retain trailers will be much cleaner when the right people are on the pickoffs.


Browncafe Steward
The purpose of the language is to keep UPS from taking work from union members by using sups, right? I was maxed out, so was every other eligible union driver we had access to, full time or part time. For me (or any other driver) to file for sups taking away our work when we could not do the work would be almost like stealing. I couldn't do that work and no other union member could.

You were working 14 hours everyday? That is what dot allows us to work, not the 11 or 12 hour bs ups preaches. We do not tell ups how many employees to hire, and basically because of piss poor planning on ups's part they did not provide adequate manning/staffing.

I didn't need to tell the shop stewards, they are all drivers except for one mechanic that was present everyday as we left the building.
Now having said all that, it has always been my understanding (not having read it all myself) that once peak began, the rules on over 9.5s, sups working as well as a few other "rules" were contractually suspended. I admit I could be wrong.

9.5's and 8 hour requests are not recognized during the months of November and December. The rest of the contract is is good from 8/1/08 until it expires on 8/1/13. Sups should never work, and if they do its them stealing form you and not you stealing from them. Would you let your sup go in your back pocket and take a $100 out of your wallet? Because when they do work that is what they are doing. Not to mention that the union suffers by not having that work done by dues paying members.

Hint, getting personal with cheap uneducated shots is dangerous ground.
You sure don't know much about Texans, nor the Alamo. Texas is a right to work state because the majority of the population wants it that way. Right or wrong, smart or dumb that's the way it is.
Most Texans are driven by a sense of what is right and stand to fight against what is wrong within their own opinions. If anyone tries to take something that is mine, they have a fight on their hands. If anyone tries to take anything away from my neighbor who can't defend himself, I offer my assistance. I fight for what I believe to be right and against what I feel to be wrong.
As far as the falling of the Alamo, you sure showed your lack of historical knowledge. The Alamo fell do to simple mathematics, when you are out numbered 100 to 1, you are most likely going to fall. Only one person left the Alamo the day before the battle beginning and his mission was to get help that was not to come. Logistics, time and battle plans played a role in the lack of re-enforcements.

Comparing it to the Alamo was right on the money! It wasn't meant to be a cheap shot, just to point out that when many stand together you cant be beat. The Alamo fell as you say because of pure numbers, and when it fell people that did not care all of a sudden found a sense of urgency and united for a greater good. Why must we always wait for the worst to happen? When would you start to file on sups working? After 5 drivers get laid off? 10? 25? If you never allow sups to work and file on every violation they will be less willing to attempt to do the work!

Now if you really want to get personal, we can talk about how your beloved Teamsters failed to protect their own people from criminals that down right stole cash dollars from them.

I have never said the teamsters are perfect and i believe the current leadership at the ibt is some of the worst that have ever held their positions, now we do have some that want to do the right thing at the ibt, and we have locals across the country that believe in doing the right thing, but the big man is a company suck hole! IMO

Im glad i got you all fired up, maybe now you can see my points!


Browncafe Steward
you have only seen the movie and believed the BS about what the Alamo was about.

Really? Just because I'm a teamster steward does not mean i am not capable of reading! And it helps me if the pictures relate to the text!

Even most Texans do not know the depth of the politics, strategy and logistics involved in the battle of San Antonio.
BTW, the Mexicans came back and tried to take San Antonio back, after we had won the war .
The free Republic of Texas,
kicked their butts,again.

But after few sacrificed all for the greater good of Texas. People than stood up is the point and reference i was making. No one cares about anything until it directly involves them and that is BS! If everyone would of stood together at the Alamo, maybe a difference could have been made!
The Mexican American war at the beginning of the last century.
A forgotten war rarely taught in schools.
We (Texans) took the fight to them down into their own country and kicked butt,again.
Keep your comments to what you know,
ie: corrupt teamster history, if you will even admit to that.

Have the teamster been corrupt, yes and as a history fanatic, i will agree. But i can also tell you that you make what you make and have the benefits you have because of the brothers and sisters that even gave their lives early on so that people would have fair work environments, paid vacations, holidays, pensions, 40 hour work weeks, overtime after 8 hours and the unions actually gave you the weekend! But still you slithered across the picket line when all you needed to do was stand next to us for just a little over 2 weeks in solidarity. But you want me to believe that being a Texan makes you a better man than me? I would have been at the Alamo, how about you?