All of these Slips & Acronyms

ASD-Air Shipping Document, GSD-Ground Shipping document, COD-Collect On Delivery, most of these you will seldom use. InfoNotice is just another name for an Attempted Delivery Notice, that's the one you will use the most. Don't sweat learning all this stuff, it will come to you. Just concentrate on driving and not hitting anything. Plan ahead and set up as many stops as you can in advance, you lose most of your time hunting


Well-Known Member
DAS - Dymb@$$ Sup
AGS - Always get signature. ( We use this for attractive females and any customer that will give you snacks)


Well-Known Member
We had the 5 Seeing Habits— that’s it. And we still got the job done without all the other BS. Later on they came up with this (slips and falls) safety crap but I never did memorize any of that.
To qualify we had to take an on road test in a UPS package car bus with our whole class riding in a standard transmission diesel. We took turns doing the driver drill and also reciting all of the slips and falls, seeing habits, 10 point commentary, etc. word for word while driving. If you couldn’t recite it you were DQ’d.

Then we ate at whataburger and went back to the building to gather the next group.

Some sorry bastard somehow broke the driveshaft or the driveshaft just broke after all the trainees had just heavily abused the vehicle because nobody could drive a stick.

He was DQ’d. Haha.

This was before integrad was created.

Man, I never wanted something so bad before.


Retired 23 years
To qualify we had to take an on road test in a UPS package car bus with our whole class riding in a standard transmission diesel. We took turns doing the driver drill and also reciting all of the slips and falls, seeing habits, 10 point commentary, etc. word for word while driving. If you couldn’t recite it you were DQ’d.

Then we ate at whataburger and went back to the building to gather the next group.

Some sorry bastard somehow broke the driveshaft or the driveshaft just broke after all the trainees had just heavily abused the vehicle because nobody could drive a stick.

He was DQ’d. Haha.

This was before integrad was created.

Man, I never wanted something so bad before.
Leave it to UPS to make a confused rookie recite a bunch of garbage while trying to concentrate on driving. What a POS company.

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
Leave it to UPS to make a confused rookie recite a bunch of garbage while trying to concentrate on driving. What a POS company.
The worst is the driver drill. I swear it makes me dumber and a more dangerous driver asI call out a random driveway as a clear intersection. Or being in the left lane and calling out left curb hazard(no :censored2:).