Allen West


Engorged Member
CPAC= Crazy Persons Atrocity Committee. Again, how can anyone who actually works for a living support politicians who are dedicated to the eradication of the Middle Class? If you are a UPS Teamster, you are also the enemy. How difficult is that to understand? If you support the GOP, you are actively sowing the seeds of your own economic destruction* (unless you are rich*).
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Well-Known Member
:happy-very:You really have to laugh at some of the people that post here.
Their usual position is that Corporations are the big evil bogey man but yet they work for large corporations that pay their bills and provide for them and their families ?? Hypocritical ???

They hate Corporate America --yet cry when the corporations leave the U.S. to do business elsewhere they are out raged ??

They still live under the Bush Tax cuts where working Americans are all paying 5 to 6 percent lower the under the DEMS --that give that extra money to social plans for illegals and people not working --not the middle class !!

The Democrats pander to the middle class yet give all the benefits to the people that do not work.
The average middle class American busts their butts working thinking that the Dems take care of them ????:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Just another statist who wraps himself in the flag and projects the "hero" status and who if he had his way would still only grow gov't in the end. The people in power now, last week, last month, last year, last decade, last century all grew gov't as well and so I'm to believe in the end this guy is so much better?

Ever read the "glossary of terms for championship wrasslin'" and noticed that for almost every term there is an equal equivalent application in the realm of politics and gov't? West right now is at best a "face" who if really given power like so many before him would turn out to be a "tweener" and then devolve into a "heel"!

It's all fake people!


Well-Known Member
:happy-very:You really have to laugh at some of the people that post here.
Their usual position is that Corporations are the big evil bogey man but yet they work for large corporations that pay their bills and provide for them and their families ?? Hypocritical ???

They hate Corporate America --yet cry when the corporations leave the U.S. to do business elsewhere they are out raged ??

They still live under the Bush Tax cuts where working Americans are all paying 5 to 6 percent lower the under the DEMS --that give that extra money to social plans for illegals and people not working --not the middle class !!

The Democrats pander to the middle class yet give all the benefits to the people that do not work.
The average middle class American busts their butts working thinking that the Dems take care of them ????:happy-very:

Those who don't follow the palm greasing money, and refuse to analyze the disparaging inequities between the top wage earners (tax evaders) and the stagnant/shrinking middle class are indeed, gullible fools . But it's understandable, that glimmer of hope one hangs on to, that one day, they may find themselves "moving on up" in George and Weazy's tax bracket, and expect to pay no taxes, yet receive corporate welfare from the backs of the middle/working class of America. Compared to the financial heavy-weights, why any poor sap in our tax bracket (R)or(D), would ever pander to the top 2% percent of wage earners is beyond comprehension, and proof that one suffers from puppeteers. Enjoy having your strings pulled... I prefer to cut my strings and free myself from the puppet-masters... :puppet:


golden ticket member
You know, I just want to know where are all those breaks for people who work, make a nice living and retire in good shape. The gov't doesn't give us anything. We pay taxes, get no breaks or perks and yet you would probably clump us in the 'rich folks' category of yours. I'm not riding anyone's gravy train. I have to budget carefully to still enjoy life.

You've got it in your head that "upper class' folks pay no taxes.........boy are you delusional!!