Amazon is building its own carbon-neutral UPS, Bank of America says

Package Stick

"Send it."
Amazon doesn't need to be profitable to grow, they have infinite access to capital.

UPS will not be able to compete with them for that reason as well as the fact that Amazon has multiple streams of income including AWS which is currently their cash cow.

Also Amazon won't be stupid enough to pay someone 200k to check the color of employees socks lol
Center managers gotta find something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Amazon doesn't need to be profitable to grow, they have infinite access to capital.

UPS will not be able to compete with them for that reason as well as the fact that Amazon has multiple streams of income including AWS which is currently their cash cow.

Also Amazon won't be stupid enough to pay someone 200k to check the color of employees socks lol

The Bezos '60 minutes' interview from 1997 said Amazon at that time had NEVER made a profit and was negative $100 million for that year. But company growth continued exponentially. Bezos was sited as saying in 1997 that they were investing heavily into the future success of the company. They're reaping the benefits of those investments.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Amazon started this DSP program partly because many of its contracted 3rd party delivery companies were bailing because of the hassle that is Amazon which includes ceding much operational control, low rates and delayed payments. All of this information is on the web if you search.

They advertised that no logistics experience was needed so they can strong arm and control the lemmings who think Amazon is going to make them rich delivering Amazon packages for peanuts. In à few years many of these original DSP franchisee's will be out of business but the Amazon name will continue to bring more suckers in to allow Amazon to offset it's reliance on other carriers and shirk liability.

Their own marketing materials lists a max profit that is absurdly low. For 40 vans they say $300k max profit. They are running 365 days a year which makes a best case profit of $20.55 per vehicle per day for the year.



Well-Known Member
also when I was in Lexington the other day, I noticed a giant agriculture tent, it was a sorting station for amazon. outside was surrounded by their little sprinter vans and amazon trailers.


The truth never changes.
also when I was in Lexington the other day, I noticed a giant agriculture tent, it was a sorting station for amazon. outside was surrounded by their little sprinter vans and amazon trailers.
Who gives a crap? We lost a large account in our building for few months but when Fdx failed to deliver what they promised they came back to us and fully appreciated our service quality.

Price isnt everything and especially when you dont get your delivery as promised.


Well-Known Member
Who gives a crap? We lost a large account in our building for few months but when Fdx failed to deliver what they promised they came back to us and fully appreciated our service quality.

Price isnt everything and especially when you dont get your delivery as promised.

didn't say anyone gave a crap, I had never seen one before and noticed it on my drive to a concert.


Well-Known Member
UPS drivers make enough money that they should be able to have money saved up for a back up plan.

If you live in a major metro area where the cost of living is high (like NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle) then a gross income of $100k is not a lot. In Wyoming you’d be considered wealthy, but in the Bay Area you’re middle class.

My back up plan would be finding a job that paid $38/hr in Montana or Wyoming.


Well-Known Member
If you live in a major metro area where the cost of living is high (like NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle) then a gross income of $100k is not a lot. In Wyoming you’d be considered wealthy, but in the Bay Area you’re middle class.

My back up plan would be finding a job that paid $38/hr in Montana or Wyoming.
Wyoming will be completely different in the next 8 years. Too many rich people coming in and out.


Well-Known Member
At what point does Amazon become a monopoly? When they wipe out every major online retailer and shipping company..?

Idk lol good question. Government needs to stop giving them tax breaks.

I’d say Amazon is in the phase where people are starting to pay more attention


Impeach Hunter Biden
I don't think Amazon is trying to be as profitable as possible right now. It's probably trying to undercut the competition and make them go under. Then when they're the only game in town and they've used their deep pockets to bribe away the anti-trust lawsuits they can charge whatever they want.

Yes. Just like the big banks. They will be too big to fail. And way too big to listen to anybody.

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