america over worked


Inordinately Right
Started in '76 making $7.65 / hr , union buy in was $25 and monthly dues were $12.50 . ( P/T )
And 36 years later I started out making 85 cents more than that lol.
Hell even now that I'm driving, at 85% of top rate I'm still making less than you started at if you adjust for inflation.
What a joke.


Strength through joy
And 36 years later I started out making 85 cents more than that lol.
Hell even now that I'm driving, at 85% of top rate I'm still making less than you started at if you adjust for inflation.
What a joke.
So sad .
But one also has to include the purchasing power that $1 was worth back in the 70's . Gas and everything else were cheap . Someone making $250/wk working P/T was considered rich .


Retired 23 years
So sad .
But one also has to include the purchasing power that $1 was worth back in the 70's . Gas and everything else were cheap . Someone making $250/wk working P/T was considered rich .

In the 70's my wife and I were pulling in over 10 bucks an hour (combined). We were like millionaires. We saved $10,000 the first year (should have put it in the stock market) and bought a 3 BR house on one of the nicer lakes for $18,000 (total price). Our house payments on the $8,000 loan were 89 bucks a month (that included taxes and insurance on the house).


Nine Lives
In the ?70?'s my wife and I were pulling in over 10 bucks an hour (combined). We were like millionaires. We saved $10,000 the first year (should have put it in the stock market) and bought a 3 BR house on one of the nicer lakes for $18,000 (total price). Our house payments on the $8,000 loan were 89 bucks a month (that included taxes and insurance on the house).
Geez, how old are you?
That's like 1968 prices and rates.


Well-Known Member
In the 70's my wife and I were pulling in over 10 bucks an hour (combined). We were like millionaires. We saved $10,000 the first year (should have put it in the stock market) and bought a 3 BR house on one of the nicer lakes for $18,000 (total price). Our house payments on the $8,000 loan were 89 bucks a month (that included taxes and insurance on the house).

Without inflation, this is possible for MANY people in the working class of modest means. With inflation we get trickle up and the above disappears.

Think about it!


Well-Known Member
Older than that but moved here when he was governor. Had an old driver's license with his signature once but long gone now. Probably went out with the Billy Beer.