America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
Such a stupid rant full of platitudes.
Only 2,400 US casualties over the “20 year war”, 50,000+ casualties for the Afghan army.
America was holding a strategic position under China and Russia in Afghanistan, with around 2,500 “troops”. Mostly just non combat bolstering the Afghan army in other ways.

It’s like you people try to remain stupid just repeating the same old lies and bull*.
America doesn’t have to pull out of Afghanistan to secure the southern border. Fighting them in Afghanistan and around the world certainly does prevent terrorist organizations from being well funded global entities.

Basically everything you just said it wrong.
And you're a little warmonger who wants to kick everyone's ass. As I've said before we're engaged all over the world. Sometimes you've got to weigh the costs vs the rewards. Trump said it was costing us $42 Billion a year. No big deal to you I'm sure but we just don't have it. And what strategic position does it give us with Russia and China? What, we're going to risk war with them by putting missiles or bombers in Afghanistan? You should stick to what you know best.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it’s why a pull out was so disastrous.
That was basically America’s army, we trained armed and fought beside them. Joe Biden decided to dismantle it and pull out, leaving them completely in the dark.
Biden effed up. But the Afghan Army, outside of some elite special forces units, was a joke. Once the Taliban saw there was no air support they ran over the Afghan Army. Wasn't even close.


Well-Known Member
They outnumbered the Taliban and had the backing of the US military equipment to take them on and win. Once it was announced that we were pulling out they pretty much gave up without a fight and even the president fled the country, leaving his country in total chaos.
Once Biden pulled air support you mean.


Well-Known Member
i know it’s unpopular to say, but people are acting like we lost 500,000 troops in an unending war that has nothing to do with us. It’s absolute non sense, the casualties are surprisingly few considering the scale and length of this war.
One reason why is since 2014 the Afghanis have been doing most of the fighting.

El Correcto

god is dead
And you're a little warmonger who wants to kick everyone's ass. As I've said before we're engaged all over the world. Sometimes you've got to weigh the costs vs the rewards. Trump said it was costing us $42 Billion a year. No big deal to you I'm sure but we just don't have it. And what strategic position does it give us with Russia and China? What, we're going to risk war with them by putting missiles or bombers in Afghanistan? You should stick to what you know best.
That’s just how you view self defense. Suggesting america defends it’s interests and moves against it’s enemies is being a war monger. Guess what fren, the real war mongers are the terrorists in Afghanistan, I haven’t seen them declare jihad against the west is done. Maybe you got a link showing they are committed to peace? Blowing up service members while we surrendered kind of showed what they feel.

El Correcto

god is dead
And you're a little warmonger who wants to kick everyone's ass. As I've said before we're engaged all over the world. Sometimes you've got to weigh the costs vs the rewards. Trump said it was costing us $42 Billion a year. No big deal to you I'm sure but we just don't have it. And what strategic position does it give us with Russia and China? What, we're going to risk war with them by putting missiles or bombers in Afghanistan? You should stick to what you know best.
You’re such a pusillanimous, guess what China is on the move, they are expanding their influence, Afghanistan could of been a vital asset to resisting them in the region. Joe turned over 20 years of military building over there for absolutely nothing and the war isn’t even over, he just handed our enemies billions to kill us with in the future.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Trump is your god too.
Repent and ye shall be saved.


Well-Known Member
Oh I’m done with Biden. There’s just been a lot of denial about Cheetoh Jesus worship on here over the last few years.

I guess @newfie was probably pretty open about it.
anyone that asks me directly i will tell them Trump is an ass a dispicable ass even ,but i like what he did as president and in todays world we need that :censored2: fighting for all of us. Nice guys that make pretty speech's dont help us.


Well-Known Member
Experts told the magazine that the problem lies not in the training or equipment provided to Afghanistan, but in local mismanagement, corruption, and demoralized soldiers who often lack the will to fight.