what will happen is when people realize the country is a mix of good and bad they can face the evils like mature adults and stop them from happening again instead of mindless patriotric garbage with their heads cut off.
Every time I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes. I’m proud to be an American. Does she have her flaws and is not perfect? Yes. But our country has been a beacon for the world for many years, regardless. People die every day to try to get here from other countries. Most of them come to start a new life with the advantages afforded here that are unavailable from where they came. Others come here for the freedoms we take for granted. Freedoms that over a million Americans and want to be Americans have died for, and many, many others fought for. Saying that, it makes me so sad to read an article like this. It also scares me. Despite the struggles that our country has gone through from within or without, the one thing that always brought us back together was our patriotism and love for this country and what it stands for. What will happen down the road when all these Americans are ashamed to be Americans?
'Proud' to be American? Students struggle to answer
Students and other young people walking around the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C., struggled to say whether they were “proud” to be American ahead of 4th of July weekend.www.foxnews.com