America's friend Rick Perry at it again


Between you & Klein, what do I have to do to get it through the thick skulls....I am not, nor have I ever been wanting Bachmann for president. I did say several times that as a woman I think she deserves more respect than the name calling she gets.....much like Palin. They both get blasted severely. So, don't be saying Michelle is "my girl"............I haven't
made my choice yet.

Oh, I forgot to address "racist fools"....are you sure you didn't mean Maxine Waters & Rep. Wilson when you said that?

You see how it makes you feel...don't do the same to me about Obama and the US Democratic party. I was probably closer to voting for Barr or McCain , as slimy as it sounds.


Isn't not voting a form of voting? If I don't use a product or service in the marketplace, as a consumer am I not in effect voting against the longterm interests and wellbeing of those products and services? What happens when everyone stops using a product or service? That product or service vastly changes before the last consumers depart or when the last customer walks out, off go the lights and they lock the doors for good. That's called real change!


Not sure but when I was kid I heard my father say "the bigger man walks away" , that's how I feel at the polls. I hope this doesn't sound too arrogant for trp. ;D


The only thing can't make a change by not voting. You let others make the changes while you whittle.
Common misconception, it's actually much more selfish and harmful to just vote for the hell of it, or because you don't like another candidate.

I don't need to rehash wkmacs post at all, he said it perfectly.
If I'm not making a difference, if I and people like me are having no impact, then why does gov't launch large PR campaigns to get people like me to buy the product and service that they offer? Why the campaigns to try and get more people to vote? In 2008' only 60 something percent (132 mil out of 213 mil) of eligible voters actually voted but what begins to happen if that number drops down just under 50%, under 40%, then under 30%? What if 75% of the public did not vote at all, took no part in buying lemons, do you think they would remain a compliant herd capable of being herded at will where ever the elected taskmasters wanted to herd them or would people begin to self organize and like Nancy Reagan wanted us too and "Just Say NO!"?

You nor I will live long enough the see that happen. Nice dream, but that is what it is.
lol, you didn't bold "greedy"...not cliche enough of a truth ?

don't know where ya got the idea that Perry was my guy, I haven;t even thought of him as my guy. In fact, I didn't vote for him as Governor two state elections ago. I have argued and explained away some of the misconceptions about him, doesn't make him my guy.

Back to you.... You stand on your soap box screaming and stomping about "lies" from the republicans yet I haven't noticed any rants from you about the "lies" told by the lefties here. If you haven't seen any, as you implied, you aren't looking very close.

Not to sure who you are calling a racist, but it sure can't be me.