With my luck I'd get the bike and my Sup on the handlebars for a 3 day ride...
This has to be a numbers game. It's definitely not about saving money. There can't be an area as "dense" as the person who thought this up. I sure picked the right 'tag line' those many months ago (see below).
Apart from the weather and terrain, I'd be tempted to opt for the bike. Sounds like a way to make for a pretty easy peak. Just mosey on down the street, telling the customer that you'll be back with the rest of their pkgs in 15-20 minutes.
Let's see:
The cost of the bike and trailer
cost of rental of the POD
possible cost of renting a place to put it
cost (mostly of delivery time) of the driver who has to unload and then load the POD.
Paying someone $30/hr($45 after 8) to ride a bicycle back and forth from POD to house to reload.
Paying the driver mileage to the POD and back home (only if they live a lot closer to the center than the POD location, I assume).
potential damaged packages from weather on way to delivery point.
Yep!! Got to be a numbers game...only reason to spend that much money.