It appears canadians were not receptive to the concept of seeing how sick americans are since they did everything they could to suppress her speach including the threat of legal action.
Hang on here. She was prewarned for a reason. Before she came here, she made awlful comments about Canada.
You expect her to get the red carpet service ?
What have I really bad mouthed about americans ? You do it to yourself ! I believe your very own president is bad mouthed on each single thread on bc. (and not by me).
That I tell you to get with the rest of the world ? Why not ?
Healthcare is one of them.
While I was in Florida twice, I had no one complaining. Some actually wanted to know what we do differently up north.
But, on here, I just get mocked down by the hardcore conservatives or Teapartiers, whatever they are.
There is so much misinformation spreaded about Canada, thats it not even funny, since most people think we all speak french, and ofcourse how bad out healthcare is (from all those insurance sponsored commercials that ran in the states).
The only main thing I complain about is the US trade deficit. And that has to be fixed. But, highwages, plus company paid healthinsurance, plus compnay paid pension. Well, that almost took GM and Chrslyer out of the game, left ofcourse the retirees, with very little money, though.
And even some americans will agree with me. You can't keep putting the debt for generations and generations to pay up.
It will eventually collapse like a ponzi sheme.
Unlike Ann, I have never said things like : (be wiped off the earth, or be greatful to be on this continent, dislikes eastern Canada, but likes the cowboys in the west) Silly , rather stupid, stuff like that.
I don't even hate Ann Coulter, nor do I like her. She's kinda like a female version of Jerry Springer.
But, like I said, she did it to herself (but probably on purpose), since the more stink she creates, the better her carreer and financials will be.
She got told, just not to go too far. Whats the big deal about it ?
Had to throw this in, the latest blog on Edmontons Global Facebook site:
ETS writes : when does that woman ever have anything good to say let alone about our country. I am surprised she would dare cross the border. Was she initially invited here by someone and if so are they nuts? So many people have commented she should just go straight to hell.......but I think even the devil has a restraining order on her!!!!!