Another Ban On X-Mas


golden ticket member

It is time to change from REDNECK humor to TRUE AMERICAN Humor!

Only it isn't seen as HUMOR, but the correct way to LIVE YOUR LIFE ! If you
feel the same, pass this on to your True American friends. Y'all know who
they are...

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: It never occurred to you to be offended by
the phrase, "One nation, under God."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never protested about seeing the 10
Commandments posted in public places.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You still say "Christmas" instead of
"Winter Festival."

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You bow your head when someone prays.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You stand and place your hand over your
heart when they play the National Anthem.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect,
and always have.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You've never burned an American flag.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You know what you believe and you aren't
afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You respect your elders and expect your
kids to do the same.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if: You'd give your last dollar to a friend.

If you got this email from me, it is because I believe that you, like me,
have just enough TRUE AMERICAN in you to have the same beliefs as those
talked about in this email.

God Bless the USA!


Well-Known Member
Somebody, somewhere is always pissing in your Fruit Loops.

If they had wine before pissing would you then call that "Grape Nuts!"

Sorry to be so irreverant but I just don't see the threat. Or has it been that you've so commericalized the holiday to begin with in the "CAPITALIST WAY" that the real reason for the holiday is so long forgotten, that it's not under assault but rather under natural evolutionary decay resulting from being ignored for so long? Sorry to hit below the belt but wake up for Pete's sake or should I say for Christ's sake!

Besides, Coca-Cola more than anyone else created the Santa Klaus myth (Hey Big, your capitialism in advertising again) and in turn the hype of the Easter bunny ramped up following in commericalism pursuit. Since both are really 20th century creations as we know them today, did we ever consider that spinning these myths to children over time would not have unintended consequences?

Santa Klaus who rewards kids for being good turns out to be a fabrication of parents trying to manipulate kids into being good with the promise of getting something in the end. Once older, they learn the truth and the presents for the most part stop.

Same is true of the Easter Bunny.

Now if they ask, if Santa and the Easter Bunny are myths to trick me into being good, is it also possible that Jesus too is a myth?

You may scoff at such nonsense but if you'd look around you might be surprised at who has said the very same thing.

Amazing we keep hearing about "unintended consequences!"

Did you ever once teach kids to not lie because if you lie to someone they will most likely either return the favor or have nothing to do with you and then where are you? Jesus taught those who live by the sword, die by the sword because the truism is that those who promote always violence will inturn always be met with violence and the other guy only has to be better than you one time whereas you have to be perfect every time. It's nothing but cause and effect.

Did you ever consider for once what would be left if you removed the Santa Klaus and all the commercialism that surrounds Christmas. I would think the real purpose of the holiday would then only be left for all to see and you might have a lot better case for your argument. As it stands now, Big's "capitalism" has so overshadowed what the real purpose of Dec. 25th is all about and so therefore most people no longer consider it a important religious holiday as much as it is a commerical holiday and an extra day off of work. Look at the focus on the fat guy in the red suit and buying the gifts at the mall. There is your evolutionary decay but the question is, are you willing to give up the commericalism.

How far will you go for Jesus?

Just another POV

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Did you ever consider for once what would be left if you removed the Santa Klaus and all the commercialism that surrounds Christmas. I would think the real purpose of the holiday would then only be left for all to see and you might have a lot better case for your argument. As it stands now, Big's "capitalism" has so overshadowed what the real purpose of Dec. 25th is all about and so therefore most people no longer consider it a important religious holiday as much as it is a commerical holiday and an extra day off of work. Look at the focus on the fat guy in the red suit and buying the gifts at the mall. There is your evolutionary decay but the question is, are you willing to give up the commericalism.

How far will you go for Jesus?

Just another POV

"Big's Capitalism"??? What are you talking about? I didn't even mention Santa Klaus nor have I forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Just because people are profitting from holidays doesn't mean Capitalism is a bad thing. If anything it boosts are economy. But like I said.....I never even mentioned Santa Klaus and believe or not I don't really celebrate Christmas like many do. Not like the majorit of Americans do anyway. I just don't get all dressed up in Christmas clothing nor do I spend allot of money on decorations. It's not that I don't believe in it (BELIEVE me I do) I just don't get into holidays that much. But I realized long ago that that is my prerogative and that it wouldn't be right to expect the community around me to hide their fondness of the Holiday. Even if I wasn't Christian I wouldn't dare think that way. As far as Christmas goes (the real Christmas and not the Santa Klaus version) seems like all my life it has always been such a huge deal. Christmas would be everywhere. But lately it seems like it's had a bullseye on it. It's been attacked much like a newly discovered cancer only the difference is that Christmas, and the manner in which Americans (the majority of them) has chosen to celebrate it, has been done the same way for a very long time. So why is it such a big deal all of the sudden? Why should celebrating it be limited to within the walls of one's church or their home? It doesn't violate the constitution.


golden ticket member
Most UPS'ers don't "get into" Christmas much......they are too exhausted to participate..

When hubby left UPS, he took it as a personal challenge to see how "lit up" the outside of the house could be with decorations. It's been fun for 7 yrs.

We have these huge lighted Xmas balls that really show up well at night. The neighbors joke around that old Bob is hanging his balls out again this year.

The decorations will go up the day after Thanksgiving. Don't anyone preach about "green" and energy and all that stuff. My Phone bill is under $30 each month ,so I can splurge a little on the elec. bill.



Senior Member
Most UPS'ers don't "get into" Christmas much......they are too exhausted to participate..

When hubby left UPS, he took it as a personal challenge to see how "lit up" the outside of the house could be with decorations. It's been fun for 7 yrs.

We have these huge lighted Xmas balls that really show up well at night. The neighbors joke around that old Bob is hanging his balls out again this year.

The decorations will go up the day after Thanksgiving. Don't anyone preach about "green" and energy and all that stuff. My Phone bill is under $30 each month ,so I can splurge a little on the elec. bill.

I can just hear your neighbors carrolling at your door,
Jingle balls,
Jingle balls.
Bob started showing them today.
Oh, what fun
to see him show everyone.
How big and bright
they will shine at night.
Oh, Jingle balls ect....
I just couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
Porcupine balls
MEAT balls
Rum balls
Deck the Halls with Christmas Balls

More, You've always got your groove on. When were you gonna
tell us about Bobs Balls on the Tonight Show???


Well-Known Member
The neighbors joke around that old Bob is hanging his balls out again this year.

Bob! Balls hanging out!

Could this be the same Bob and his smiling wife we always see on the commericals avertising the product that makes to pole stand at attention?

You posted a link about a gov't agency preventing someone from hanging a decoration reflecting a religious expression that notes a connection to an event associated with the birth of Jesus and your comment seemed to me to say you opposed the gov't actions as well as others who supported such draconian bans. I would agree with you on that.

You further point out the following in a later post:
I'll take capitlism over anything else anyday.

My comments were based on that quote from you and the fact that the holiday now is no longer considered a religious holiday as much as it is a commerical holiday and that maybe your attitude of the might and power of capitalism has in this respect become your enemey and help lead to the very thing you are now having to oppose and that is the removal of the religious history of the hoiday.

Before you run off with half a brain and suggest I'm anti capitalist and therefore anti-American, then I'll save you the trouble at least to the first part. I am anti-capitalist as capitalism as an economic system can place the means of production in the hands of the State as well as the private interest. The perfected Capitalist system will most notedly entangle a mixed system of private ownership with a state interest via the regulatory process of bureacracy. It is also a priviledged system that came into being after the western world moved from fuedalism and it's title of nobility and replaced that with a our modern papers of incorporation. Nobility of the day had limited exposure to liability for their actions and as thus this precept carried over to the corporation which limits liabilty and when such attempts do happen, can kill it's effects by killing the corporation (death of the person in law equal to the death of a flesh and blood person).

The corporation has the same status in law as a person and in fact with the IRS code for example, the code itself states that the person (individual as well as the corporation) are equal and defined by use of the term "person" in law. You promote a system of priviledge of certain men by virtue of having been granted in effect, "titles of nobility' by the King's estate. This system in the 1800's began as certian men of families began to consolidate business interests and then connect with gov't to promote their interests. As the 1800's closed, the cries of the powerful "Robber Barons" and their "capitalism" reverberated across the land. In the meantime, their partners in crime having been elected to office, manipulated the conditions with the so-called anti-trust laws and monopoly laws that in fact consolidated the regulatory powers in the hands of gov't and the industrial giants sat in the driver seats to be the recievers of gov't priviledge thru the granting of corporations and gov't contracts. Thus the new fuedalism known as Capitalism has returned in full force and effect and you wave the flag to promote it glory.

I however prefer a Laissez-faire system (french word meaning Let Do) of economics which it's french translations literally suggests outside of gov't control or hands. We are considered free peoples to choose who, what and where we do business with. This is also further expressed with the more Ameircanised term, Free Markets, where individuals are free to enter and exit the markets at will and buy and sell from whom they wise based upon the private contract they agree to. In a free market, if you wrong or commit fraud upon a person you are held personally repsonsible and that responsibilty will follow you until you've satisfied the contract or satisfied the resulting damages you commit. You have no cover of a corporation to hide behind and therefore limit your liability. If you bring a bad product or idea to the market and harm someone, you can desolve to corp. and run away to reopen under a different name to continue to do business. In a free market world, you are held responsible until you pay the debt or you die.

You sir promote a system that encourages bad products and bad service IMO because the provider or manufacture can be left free of being responsiblie for his/her actions. In a free market which I support, you commit force or fraud, you are forever held liable until the contract is fulfilled or the damge repaired or paid. In a free market, the prospects of criminal wrongdoings don't disappear but at least the law itself doesn't tend to protect the guilty with limited liability like it does in our present sytem

Now, which one of us again believes in freedom and liberty to the individual and which one believes in a quasi-socialist economic system of State control and Priviledge? Which one founded this great country in the first place?

Your capitalism via economic evolution has replaced the meaning of Christmas and therefore the formality of killing it's religious meaning once and for all is now coming in to full play and you voice opposition? Now that's not being a good little capitalist and you should know better! That's OK, Fred will save the day!

JMO Since you were stupid enough to ask. Next time, think before you ask as the rest of the class I'm sure will apprecaite it!


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
My comments were based on that quote from you and the fact that the holiday now is no longer considered a religious holiday as much as it is a commerical holiday and that maybe your attitude of the might and power of capitalism has in this respect become your enemey and help lead to the very thing you are now having to oppose and that is the removal of the religious history of the hoiday.

That statement is nothing but an attempt at saying that the majority ignores the true meaning of Christmas by only recognizing it as a commercial holiday and in doing so it's supposed to be some sort of amuniotion for you to use as part of your expression of your obvious disslike for captalism. It is rediculous for you to think you can speak for the majority of Americans by claiming we all view Christmas as nothing but Santa Klaus and a commercial holiday.

Before you run off with half a brain and suggest I'm anti capitalist and therefore anti-American, then I'll save you the trouble at least to the first part. I am anti-capitalist as capitalism as an economic system can place the means of production in the hands of the State as well as the private interest. The perfected Capitalist system will most notedly entangle a mixed system of private ownership with a state interest via the regulatory process of bureacracy. It is also a priviledged system that came into being after the western world moved from fuedalism and it's title of nobility and replaced that with a our modern papers of incorporation. Nobility of the day had limited exposure to liability for their actions and as thus this precept carried over to the corporation which limits liabilty and when such attempts do happen, can kill it's effects by killing the corporation (death of the person in law equal to the death of a flesh and blood person).

The corporation has the same status in law as a person and in fact with the IRS code for example, the code itself states that the person (individual as well as the corporation) are equal and defined by use of the term "person" in law. You promote a system of priviledge of certain men by virtue of having been granted in effect, "titles of nobility' by the King's estate. This system in the 1800's began as certian men of families began to consolidate business interests and then connect with gov't to promote their interests. As the 1800's closed, the cries of the powerful "Robber Barons" and their "capitalism" reverberated across the land. In the meantime, their partners in crime having been elected to office, manipulated the conditions with the so-called anti-trust laws and monopoly laws that in fact consolidated the regulatory powers in the hands of gov't and the industrial giants sat in the driver seats to be the recievers of gov't priviledge thru the granting of corporations and gov't contracts. Thus the new fuedalism known as Capitalism has returned in full force and effect and you wave the flag to promote it glory.

I however prefer a Laissez-faire system (french word meaning Let Do) of economics which it's french translations literally suggests outside of gov't control or hands. We are considered free peoples to choose who, what and where we do business with. This is also further expressed with the more Ameircanised term, Free Markets, where individuals are free to enter and exit the markets at will and buy and sell from whom they wise based upon the private contract they agree to. In a free market, if you wrong or commit fraud upon a person you are held personally repsonsible and that responsibilty will follow you until you've satisfied the contract or satisfied the resulting damages you commit. You have no cover of a corporation to hide behind and therefore limit your liability. If you bring a bad product or idea to the market and harm someone, you can desolve to corp. and run away to reopen under a different name to continue to do business. In a free market world, you are held responsible until you pay the debt or you die.

You sir promote a system that encourages bad products and bad service IMO because the provider or manufacture can be left free of being responsiblie for his/her actions. In a free market which I support, you commit force or fraud, you are forever held liable until the contract is fulfilled or the damge repaired or paid. In a free market, the prospects of criminal wrongdoings don't disappear but at least the law itself doesn't tend to protect the guilty with limited liability like it does in our present sytem

Now, which one of us again believes in freedom and liberty to the individual and which one believes in a quasi-socialist economic system of State control and Priviledge? Which one founded this great country in the first place?

Your capitalism via economic evolution has replaced the meaning of Christmas and therefore the formality of killing it's religious meaning once and for all is now coming in to full play and you voice opposition? Now that's not being a good little capitalist and you should know better! That's OK, Fred will save the day!

JMO Since you were stupid enough to ask. Next time, think before you ask as the rest of the class I'm sure will apprecaite it!


And that my friends was the exposure of WKMAC. I simply pointed out that Christmas decorations should not have to be hidden, as they have not been since long before any of us were thought of, along with the fact that Capatilsm isn't the only driving force behind celebrating Christmas and in return I get an extremely long rant (in the manner that only WKMAC can perform) about how he is anti-capitalist. And apparently I hit a nerve by stating the obvioius and factual points about Christmas, The Pledge, and our flag because the response was some what of a personal attack in the comments that I was stupid and half brained. LOL! Keep up the good work WKMAC and try and keep your next lengthy rant down to 1500 words. And for once....try and stay on topic instead of bird walking every which way so you can rant in defense of points that the people you are responding to weren't even discussing. LOL! We were discussing Christmas decorations for Christ's sake! Not capitalism and the pledge. LOL! I'll take some of the blame though. Maybe I was baited by your bird walking. I should have only responded to points pertaining to the discussion. My bad. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Maybe I was baited by your bird walking. I should have only responded to points pertaining to the discussion.

You really are much smarter than the average bear!

I still believe your fears and concerns are way overdriven but in your defense these anal folks out there who are bent on tearing down any religious connection have IMO far outceeded you and yours!