Another Clinton Coincidence


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
ElCorrecto was good in his political views. Made good arguments. The "right(s)" position on LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ totally caused a major flame up. He began thinking with his penis and not his brain.
DIDO did what an honest person does when they see they need to change. He changed. You're not gonna beat him. He's smart and hilarious.


Well-Known Member
ElCorrecto was good in his political views. Made good arguments. The "right(s)" position on LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ totally caused a major flame up. He began thinking with his penis and not his brain.
DIDO did what an honest person does when they see they need to change. He changed. You're not gonna beat him. He's smart and hilarious.
Who also can't handle disagreement without calling people names.


Legio patria nostra
Duh oh enlightened one. And I'm talking about him, you, and DIDO.
Kitty kitty....


Legio patria nostra
You intentionally posted pics with people's mouths open so don't tell me you weren't going for a sexual connotation. But it's all you have.
Don’t drag me into your weird sexual world.
They were yawning, but you saw that little girl as a sexual object.
Pretty :censored2:ing twisted…and illegal.
You should seek help.


Well-Known Member
You’re one one that looked at a little girl in a deviant sexual manner.
Don’t keep deflecting. Go take your twisted mentality and “discuss” your worldly experiences with someone that gives a :censored2:.
Oh come on, you posted those pics in hopes that you could twist anything.I said into something evil. If that's how you get your jollies then I feel sorry for you.