That's right but not supporting the War does not mean you can't support the troops and when you say
we are accomplishing nothing by being there that does not support their efforts regardless of your stance on the war.
However, I believe you would be one of the first people to wave a banner of protest in their faces upon their return. Similar to how those returning from Vietnam were treated.
You probably have no children and live alone, spend most of your time finding ways to annoy people with your intrusive behavior. One would suspect that you are a member of the Dull Star anti war games brigade. I have re-read this thread and others, and have detected an anti-conservative or liberal slant to your posts.
You lead one to believe you served in the Jimmy Carter administration. That pretty much set into stone your feelings about liberalism. By the time you left for your next assignment with Clinton you were just starting to get into your own.
Somewhere in there you decided not to get married and have no kids. Got a job at UPS and live somewhere in the south say, New Orleans. This way you could blame the current republican administration for not acting fast enough on hurricane Katrina rather than the State and local representatives.
Your income at UPS has put you in the upper class, at least locally. You are near 46 years old. You are secular humanist and feel [FONT="]
intellectually [/FONT] superior to anyone who might consider going to church.
So much for assumptions!!