Anti War Protests


Well-Known Member
Edit: If anything, wanting to end the war before Iraq is ready to defend itself would be the ultimate in anti-arab sentiment. "Who cares about them, get our troops home." I still say we need to stay to make sure they are safe and can defend themselves appropriately.

Right on!!:cool:


Well-Known Member
That's right but not supporting the War does not mean you can't support the troops and when you say we are accomplishing nothing by being there that does not support their efforts regardless of your stance on the war.

However, I believe you would be one of the first people to wave a banner of protest in their faces upon their return. Similar to how those returning from Vietnam were treated.

You probably have no children and live alone, spend most of your time finding ways to annoy people with your intrusive behavior. One would suspect that you are a member of the Dull Star anti war games brigade. I have re-read this thread and others, and have detected an anti-conservative or liberal slant to your posts.

You lead one to believe you served in the Jimmy Carter administration. That pretty much set into stone your feelings about liberalism. By the time you left for your next assignment with Clinton you were just starting to get into your own.

Somewhere in there you decided not to get married and have no kids. Got a job at UPS and live somewhere in the south say, New Orleans. This way you could blame the current republican administration for not acting fast enough on hurricane Katrina rather than the State and local representatives.

Your income at UPS has put you in the upper class, at least locally. You are near 46 years old. You are secular humanist and feel [FONT=&quot]intellectually [/FONT] superior to anyone who might consider going to church.

So much for assumptions!!:wink:

Think I'll try to stay on your good side. :thumbup1:


Happiness in Slavery...
The problem starts in our public schools. All children hear is the United Nations this and the United Nations that. Kids are taught that the United States laws are on applicable as long as the United Nations agree. American history is not taught with the love of our country as it was when I was a kid. Half of the kids in our schools can't recite the Preamble to the Constitution, and when did it become a crime to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

is that what they teach in 'our public schools'? that's funny because I work in on of those public schools and haven't heard a mention of the UN at all. Besides our kids are too busy taking federally regulated standardized tests that they learn test anxiety instead of about the preamble. By the way, the curriculum is not determined by the teachers, but by the system itself. Teachers more or less have their hands tied as to what they can or cannot teach in fear of losing their jobs or being sued. Kids don't get the preamble until fifth grade anyway. They memorize it (which is different than learn) and by the summer they don't remember a single word of it.

Go meet with your local Assembly to voice your concerns for today's kids. There is always homeschooling, too. Put your kids in private school. Don't send your kids to one of those 'liberal' colleges. As much as people b**ch about the system, they don't do anything about it.

I won't even touch the anti-war part of this for now...

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member

if this were to happen here I wonder who the anti-war crowd woud turn to for help? They couldn't possibly ask the very same government and military they've been protesting against for help could they? Let's say we were to pull out of the Middle East all together and stop screening people at Airports and stop listening to terrorists' phone conversations. Also completely open up our borders (as if they aren't all ready). The anti-war crowd and the rest of their liberal buddies would be on cloud nine right up until the very moment the Islamists start converting them. If it weren't a possibility I'd almost think it was funny.


Well-Known Member
If a group of retired Generals speak out against the Iraq War and the policies that produced it, would those same Generals also be considered Anti-War protestors?

The Night of the Generals: Politics & Power:
Would them speaking out against the war protect the Iraqi citizens if the US left too soon?

Protesting the war does nothing to help the newly formed Iraqi govt or security force prepare for US departure.

Vanity Fair? I always saw that as a more commercially oriented version of Readers Digest meets People Magazine. No? Worth checking out? Never really paid much attention to the magazine other than knowing photographer Annie Leibovitz is awesome.

Speaking of leaving, looks like departure is in the works. A proposal for setting a deadline for Iraq to take control of security suggests the US position is now that they are capable of their own security, but are dragging their feet. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have tentatively settled on a timetable and conditions for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, which they hope to attach to a $100 billion Iraq war spending bill, senior lawmakers said on Wednesday.

The lawmakers said they hoped to win approval of the plan by the House Appropriations Committee next week.

If the House passes the Democratic money bill this month, it likely would face a tough fight in the 100-member Senate, where Democrats have a very slim majority over Republicans and legislative rules often require a 60-vote margin to advance controversial bills.

A House Democratic aide indicated the bill would set a timetable for U.S. troops to withdraw if Iraqis did not meet deadlines for taking responsibility to secure their country.

Some liberal Democrats had been pushing for a 2008 deadline for withdrawing combat troops from Iraq unconditionally.

"I think you'll see basically what I wanted to do and a timetable (in the bill) for what the Iraqis have to do," Rep. John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, told a small group of reporters.

Murtha, who chairs a House Appropriations panel overseeing military funding, including the hundreds of billions of dollars already spent on the Iraq war, said details of the legislation were being presented to rank-and-file Democrats.

He said the measure would provide $1.7 billion more than the Bush administration requested for troop health care. That would respond to recent disclosures of shoddy conditions at Walter Reed military hospital in Washington and other facilities.

Murtha, a former Marine and a fierce advocate of withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Iraq, wants to stop President George W. Bush from adding at least 21,500 combat troops to the 139,000 U.S. soldiers already in Iraq.

But I hope the deadlines for a withdraw aren't an ominous sign of what's ahead.
Thursday, March 8, 2007 (Vienna):

Iran has accused the United States and its allies of misinforming the world about its nuclear intentions, saying they cooked up "poisonous food" and served it to the UN Security Council to get it to act against Tehran.

Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, Tehran's chief delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency, also accused the United States and Israel of threatening military attacks on its nuclear facilities and said Security Council sanctions against his country were illegal.

Washington in turn criticised Tehran for ignoring Security Council demands to freeze uranium enrichment.

It said Iranian "intransigence" in answering questions about its nuclear programme raises the level of concern that it might be seeking to make nuclear arms.

The comments came as part of a review of a report by its chief, Mohamed ElBaradei, confirming that Iran had defied a Security Council deadline last month and continued expanding its enrichment programme.