Choo Choo
I appreciate that you are usually right on the money with your facts! You offer an insight into what many of us do not see or understand. You brought up a point that I think is a serious problem at UPS....please let me know if I'm wrong. I've had a couple of sups in the past decade (very, very good sups who got thing done) who seemed to have been given minimal raises due to the fact they were at top scale already for their job catagory. I think they mentioned something about a "bell curve" (it was a while ago so I'm not sure). The point is should an effective supervisor be bastardized for his/her success because of where they are at on the pay scale and given a minimual raise? Would this not lead to a dis-interested, ineffective sup?
Almost anytime someone isn't given a raise UPS is effectively taking money from them due to inflation, its bull****. Along with the lack of the 401k match I'm sure alot of people are losing out on a decent amount of pay and a far higher percentage of overall pay than those fatcats running our company in the ground due to their own greed.