AOC Who Earns $175,000.00 A Year Wants Us To Pay Her $17,000 Student Loan Debt


Strength through joy
Well if Biden does cancel all of these legally binding contracts for school loans.
Then I should be able to go out and acquire the most luxurious things I have always wished for.
And when the bills come due, just throw them away.

El Correcto

god is dead
If taxpayers can pony up 29 trillion to bailout banks, Wall St losses, and foreign governments( see Saudi Arabia, etc) and their banks, then 1.7 trillion is a pittance to relieve students of debt. We should also, at the same time, make Pre-K though 14-16 years of schooling publicly funded. Just like I told my daughter when she was debating getting her masters degree, its an investment in yourself. So is public funding for universal Pre-K through 14-16 grades an investment in our countries self. It take brains not just aircraft carriers to make a nation great.

The USA has spent, on average, approximately 700 billion dollars a year on defense in the last 10 years. That's nearly 7 trillion dollars. Yes, Virginia, we can afford publicly funded college education.

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we should actually abolish federal indoctrination camps.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The comparisons with cars and homes isn't a fair or accurate one. We already shoulder the expense of K-12. Extending it a few more years should be an easy and logical step. Canceling the debt and reforming our post highschool education system so these for profit certificate as degree mills are closed down for real and productive vocational and degree schools is just part of a necessary transition.
I get people want to scream, " what about me" and I get that. I paid over $60,000 for my daughter. But, I can't live in the past. The future calls us to act for those who are coming next. Let's not lose sight of that obligation.
I am under no obligation to pay for the college education of my own children, much less yours. If I DO pay for it that is my CHOICE. Once again going back to choices.….

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
There are plenty of people who live under the blanket of freedom who never served a day in our armed forces. There are plenty of people who work, and because of their income of level, never pay any federal taxes that pay for that defense.
We have never been a nation of individuals. We have always been a nation of individuals who work to create be a more perfect union. No society has ever exist where people can enjoy the rights and benefits afforded by the group and at the same time claim no responsibility to that group.
The laws of nature say's that all rights to man are absolute. But, when man works together in communities governed by laws they lose many many of those natural rights as the price for the benefits the community gives them. Mutual protection and the enforcement of contracts, to name a few.
We, as a self governing community, that mutually benefits from cooperation, are our brothers keeper.

Pay close attention to this maxim: We are our brothers keepers.
We are our brother’s keeper to a point. God helps those who help themselves. I feel no obligation to help anyone who refuses to help him/herself. I’ll give the shirt off my back to help someone that I see is working hard and just needs a hand up.


B.C. boohoo buster.
I am under no obligation to pay for the college education of my own children, much less yours. If I DO pay for it that is my CHOICE. Once again going back to choices.….
Apparently, you have never had to fill out a FAFSA form. It's required even if you aren't seeking financial aid. So, when you fill it out, the part where you declare the parents income is required. The government sets a percentage of parental responsibility based on income.
It may sound tough and self-serving to say " I'm under no obligation" but the rest of the settled world believes you, as a parent are responsible. My responsibility was 100% and that's what I paid and was proud of it. Grow up.


B.C. boohoo buster.
We are our brother’s keeper to a point. God helps those who help themselves. I feel no obligation to help anyone who refuses to help him/herself. I’ll give the shirt off my back to help someone that I see is working hard and just needs a hand up.

That's a good sound bite but you've obviously never had a disabled child or siblings.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Apparently, you have never had to fill out a FAFSA form. It's required even if you aren't seeking financial aid. So, when you fill it out, the part where you declare the parents income is required. The government sets a percentage of parental responsibility based on income.
It may sound tough and self-serving to say " I'm under no obligation" but the rest of the settled world believes you, as a parent are responsible. My responsibility was 100% and that's what I paid and was proud of it. Grow up.
Yeah. Sure. Okay.


Well-Known Member
If EVERYONE gets a FREE education, what does that do the the value of said education? Who will do the trade jobs, and the labor that no one wants to do?
Supply and demand says that degree is valueless if everybody has one.


Inordinately Right
Apparently, you have never had to fill out a FAFSA form. It's required even if you aren't seeking financial aid. So, when you fill it out, the part where you declare the parents income is required.
Parents are not required to fill out the form.
No one can make them. There is not legal grounds to force them. Grow up.


B.C. boohoo buster.
If EVERYONE gets a FREE education, what does that do the the value of said education? Who will do the trade jobs, and the labor that no one wants to do?
Supply and demand says that degree is valueless if everybody has one.
How would you apply that logic to K-12 public education?



B.C. boohoo buster.
Where is non-private, K-12 PUBLIC education not free already?
If EVERYONE gets a FREE education, what does that do the the value of said education? Who will do the trade jobs, and the labor that no one wants to do?
Supply and demand says that degree is valueless if everybody has one."

Did I misunderstand your post? Public school for many families is free because their income levels, property values, where taxes that pay for school, is to low or non-existent and is paid for by those with income and property values that are taxed to fund these schools. You can complain about the funding but don't besmirch the hard work of those educators in those schools to provide a valuable education.

By the way; what people value can change as an economy changes. Saying that if someone isn't able to "market' an education right away is like saying knowledge is worthless unless it rings the cash register. Nothing could be more ignorant of education and the value of knowledge than that kind of definition and summation.



Inordinately Right
If EVERYONE gets a FREE education, what does that do the the value of said education? Who will do the trade jobs, and the labor that no one wants to do?
Supply and demand says that degree is valueless if everybody has one."

Did I misunderstand your post? Public school for many families is free because their income levels, property values, where taxes that pay for school, is to low or non-existent and is paid for by those with income and property values that are taxed to fund these schools. You can complain about the funding but don't besmirch the hard work of those educators in those schools to provide a valuable education.

By the way; what people value can change as an economy changes. Saying that if someone isn't able to "market' an education right away is like saying knowledge is worthless unless it rings the cash register. Nothing could be more ignorant of education and the value of knowledge than that kind of definition and summation.

If you borrow money you should pay it back.
Grow up.