View attachment 115720 A recommendation was issued in this charge by an NLRB Administrative Law Judge in November. All concerned parties (NLRB, UPS, RA's counsel) have filed appeals to parts of the ALJ's ruling. The case will now go before the Board in DC which currently consists of only 3 of it's normal 5 members (two seats have expired and new board members have not yet been nominated by the new POTUS). It would be better for RA if these appeals are heard ASAP before the POTUS has the chance to fill the two open seats with those who will likely be conservative minded.
UPS has filed their appeal arguing that RA's termination should not have been ruled a violation of the NLRA.
The NLRB and counsel for RA filed their appeals against the ALJ's decision to not order return to work for RA because of Facebook comments he made 5 months after he last was employed at UPS.
I was able to download screenshots of the NLRB prosecutor's appeal and I'm including them in this post.