Appearance code


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I saw a guy driving out of a Boston center this morning with that high top early 90 s kid n play hairdo !!! wtf happened to the appearance code !! And to think I was pulled up to the office for forgetting my belt years ago !!


Well-Known Member
There was a guy in my Integrad class that had his dreadlocks halfway down his back. Said it was 10 years of growth. He found a way to put it up on top of his head so it was above his ears and not touching his collar. He passed.
There was a guy in my Integrad class that had his dreadlocks halfway down his back. Said it was 10 years of growth. He found a way to put it up on top of his head so it was above his ears and not touching his collar. He passed.
Where there's a will there's a way.


Well-Known Member
Our center manager gave the "no visible tattoos" speech on Monday. Two of our senior drivers are both veterans and one of them is fairly heavily tattooed. One of them, a former Marine, did not take the news very lightly. I asked the center manager why wouldn't they be grandfathered in and he said the decision came from many levels above him. Today they both had on long pants but one of them ignored the directive to wear a long sleeve shirt and instead wore a brown colored compression sleeve.