So getting called into an office is a given for this reason:
During my phone call with my supe, he cut me off to tell me we'd have a discipline meeting with the center manager in the morning.
As I was responding he cut me off again to end my questioning and get his say in.
At that point I got PISSED and told him as respectfully as possible that he's cutting me off and I'd appreciate it if he'd let me finish a thought before he started his, to which he replied he'd appreciate if I knew how to do my job. [**EDIT: HOLY

, just remembered after he said he'd appreciate if I knew how to do my job, I told him if he wants me to do the job correctly then they need to drop the trace requirement and turn off itinerary updates, to which he laughed and told me to call Carol Tomei and let her know what the problem is. I said "Absolutely, dude, I'll call her right now, you got a good number for me?" Which curved him right back into talking about a meeting with a steward and a center manager.]
After that it was a straight up argument that I literally cannot recall verbatim, but I do remember him telling me he'd be in another building tomorrow (which was today) and that we'd have a meeting with a steward when he came back.