And you finally agree the true problem with the APWA is just that. Lack of information. Even you, the most knowledgable person on this forum regarding the APWA doesn't know the truth behind the organization. I only base my judgements on what sketchy information is available, and in the end that doesn't satisfy me.
Like your other cohorts on this site you try to paint me as a teamster supporter, and that couldn't be further from the truth. If a salesman comes to my house to sell me his product, and he explains the product and the price, but can't demonstrate it because it still doesn't exist at that point, why would I buy from him?
The nice part about this situation is now we get to see the APWA in action. We get to set back, and watch them either grow and prosper, or crash and burn. All without putting our current job's pay, benefits, or security in jeopardy. I'm looking forward to see how this plays out.