
Well-Known Member
How can APWA offer a monthly pension that almost meets your monthly gross?

The dollars and cents or it doesn't add up.

UPS pays a weekly amount to the Teamsters that would not increase with the APWA without re-negioating.

Lets see 300 per week times 4 is 1200 per month to the teamters
times 12 is 14,400 per year after thirty years that 432,000 comtributed on your behalf.

APWA is going to pay you 7000 per montly, 84,000 annually.

If you live 10 years into rewtirenent thats 840,000.
Where does the extra 412,000 come from?

Sorry guys for the mess up. For some reason my reply wasn't attached.

Teamster 251, I understand totally where you are comeing from. Alot of sceptics are that way for the very same reason you are.

It is simple MATH as well as COMPOUNDING interest that makes it possible. What the Teamsters aren't telling you is that only 40% of what UPS is contributing on each full time employees behalf is going to the fund. Why is this? The APWA is going to contribute all 100% of the UPS contribution on your behalf. After all it is YOURS and not the TEAMSTERS or the APWA's for that matter. This is what UPS has wanted for us since the strike of 97.

Take that same figure and do the math yourself. Only for yourself, the interest alone makes it possible to have a little at retirement. Multiply this by the BILLIONS of dollars that will be in the fund from all the participants and the interest money ALONE will allow the APWA to be able to do what they say they will. If you look at all the money put into the several pension funds overseed by the IBT over all the years with interest, the IBT should have been able to pay WAY more than they have been in all the funds. EVEN BEFORE 9,11 and post 9,11.

Do the math for yourself. There are several major retirement funds agencies available on line that allows you to put in any figure youu want on there web sites and then figure out the payments after 10, 15, 20 years. Of course they will tell you, figures could change for the worse or for the better.

Guys, it's up to US to take BACK control of YOUR future. This is going to be the last chance to take it back. That is why I am a supporter of the APWA. We need a UNION that is OF the PEOPLE and represents its' people. Somewhere along the line I think the TEAMSTERS have forgotten that. IT"S all ABOUT THE MONEY guys.

Mark my words here also. If the APWA is not voted in, you will see how much the TEAMSTERS is for YOU. They WILL find a way to make sure the TEAMSTERS can no longer be challenged by it's own members who are fed up with the way they are CONTROLLING YOUR future. This will happen at the next contract, IF it is negotiated by the IBT.



UPSFreight Greenville SC
Sorry guys for the mess up. For some reason my reply wasn't attached.

Teamster 251, I understand totally where you are comeing from. Alot of sceptics are that way for the very same reason you are.

It is simple MATH as well as COMPOUNDING interest that makes it possible. What the Teamsters aren't telling you is that only 40% of what UPS is contributing on each full time employees behalf is going to the fund. Why is this? The APWA is going to contribute all 100% of the UPS contribution on your behalf. After all it is YOURS and not the TEAMSTERS or the APWA's for that matter. This is what UPS has wanted for us since the strike of 97.

Take that same figure and do the math yourself. Only for yourself, the interest alone makes it possible to have a little at retirement. Multiply this by the BILLIONS of dollars that will be in the fund from all the participants and the interest money ALONE will allow the APWA to be able to do what they say they will. If you look at all the money put into the several pension funds overseed by the IBT over all the years with interest, the IBT should have been able to pay WAY more than they have been in all the funds. EVEN BEFORE 9,11 and post 9,11.

Do the math for yourself. There are several major retirement funds agencies available on line that allows you to put in any figure youu want on there web sites and then figure out the payments after 10, 15, 20 years. Of course they will tell you, figures could change for the worse or for the better.

Guys, it's up to US to take BACK control of YOUR future. This is going to be the last chance to take it back. That is why I am a supporter of the APWA. We need a UNION that is OF the PEOPLE and represents its' people. Somewhere along the line I think the TEAMSTERS have forgotten that. IT"S all ABOUT THE MONEY guys.

Mark my words here also. If the APWA is not voted in, you will see how much the TEAMSTERS is for YOU. They WILL find a way to make sure the TEAMSTERS can no longer be challenged by it's own members who are fed up with the way they are CONTROLLING YOUR future. This will happen at the next contract, IF it is negotiated by the IBT.


I'm for the APWA... I have so many teamsters talk trash about Overnite and UPSFreight on a daily bases.. and they want me to be their brother??????????????????????? bullshiot...:lol:


adirondack man
Knowledge is in every person but at times they dont wish to use it.
First off you are more than likely a new employee or an ex teamster who should consider your self lucky to even have a job with the best frieght company in the world!Second point buy reading your post your not very informed about the APWA and if your out of the Harrisburg hub I can gurentee you they the employees of harrisburg will never vote the IBT in fore they are one of the biggest knifes in the side the IBT has ever had in the past trust me Ihave been with the company a very long time and ran into Harrisburg for years.So you can stop the BSSSS now driver.:lol:


Well-Known Member
oh please a little common sense goes a long way. not a fan of the teamsters but when it comes to the pocket book im not stupid enough to hand over everything to the APWA either. do the backgroung on them. since ups bought us out its been going down hill. but i for one will not vot APWA. Mattter of fact we will lose drivers if a union comes in at all. so eitherway this goes we lose.

Dutch Dawg

Well-Known Member
....Guys, it's up to US to take BACK control of YOUR future. This is going to be the last chance to take it back.....

Why will this be the last chance?

How will the APWA be able to offer a 100% return via pension from employer contributions after administrative costs?

While I may not be totally approving of the Teamsters.

I'm also seeing less than total honesty from the APWA front, a warning sign for sure.


Well-Known Member
any person that thinks overnite is the best job ever well why would we need a union if its so great, sorry no overnite --- its UPS.


adirondack man
any person that thinks overnite is the best job ever well why would we need a union if its so great, sorry no overnite --- its UPS.
Why did we hire such a arrogant,ignorrant ,dope who has his head so far up his a-- he is having a hard time breathing!:w00t:


Senior Member
Answer, compound interest. $300.00 a week at 5 percent interest ( CD Rate) after 30 years equals $1,085,764.00. You could withdraw $50,000.00 a years for as long as you live and still die a millionaire.


golden ticket member
quick question.....why is there 5 or 6 APWA threads?? People might miss some info. being spread all over like that.


Well-Known Member
If you do the math correctly, the money that UPS contributes to your pension fund is over 1.2 million dollars after you factor in interest earned over 30 years. The APWA can give you $7000 each month after you retire, because the $1.2 million is still accruing interest. Ask any investment broker. You are basing your numbers on what UPS contributes without taking into account the interest earned.


Well-Known Member
Why will this be the last chance?

How will the APWA be able to offer a 100% return via pension from employer contributions after administrative costs?

While I may not be totally approving of the Teamsters.

I'm also seeing less than total honesty from the APWA front, a warning sign for sure.
The APWA obviously will have expenses, but it will be small compared to what the Teamsters are taking. Remember, the Teamsters only give you 40% of what UPS contributes, but the APWA puts "all" the UPS contributions into your pension fund.


Well-Known Member
How can APWA offer a monthly pension that almost meets your monthly gross?

The dollars and cents or it doesn't add up.

UPS pays a weekly amount to the Teamsters that would not increase with the APWA without re-negioating.

Lets see 300 per week times 4 is 1200 per month to the teamters
times 12 is 14,400 per year after thirty years that 432,000 comtributed on your behalf.

APWA is going to pay you 7000 per montly, 84,000 annually.

If you live 10 years into rewtirenent thats 840,000.
Where does the extra 412,000 come from?

What about all the healthy folks that live 15, 20, 25 years into retirement?

APWA is offering something they can't deliver, be careful what you wish for.

Who takes over when APWA bankrupts themselves?

If more of you so-called activist got involved inthe workings of the Teamsters, you'd could help correct all these alleged wrong doings.

The membership is full of checks and balances but many of you run away from them.
First of all, do the math correctly. UPS contributes $214 per week per employee into your pension fund. That amounts to $11128 per year. Invested conservatively averaging 8% over 30 years, that comes to over $1.2 million. After you retire in 30 years, UPS stops contributing, but the money is still accruing interest. You are earning $96,000 per year in interest and receiving $7,000 per month or $84,000 per year. Your account is still growing. Now ask yourself this question: What is the Teamsters doing with your money? It's time for a change. Vote for the APWA and secure your future.


Well-Known Member
I heard that out of every dollar UPS contributes only 40 cents goes back to UPS employee's. I have not found if this is true or not.
Why don't you try asking the Teamsters. See if they will lie to you. The fact is if the Teamsters didn't give away 60% of your money to other companies, then your pension should be at least double what it is now. Do the simple math.


Well-Known Member
Without a doubt, less companies contributing is a problem.

Who are we to punish those that EARNED a pension with thier hard work just like we are earning ours.

Those collecting pensions from the funds that were part of defunct companies didn't close those companies the companies closed themselves.

We as Teamsters should be concerned with all, not just UPS. We are part of a multi-employer fund. It shows more and more that most UPSer are not teamsters, they are for themselves.

Dividing the funds is the company conquering over the teamsters. Without the Teamsters this company will chew you up and spit you out like a spit ball.

Show me some financial info on APWA.

Where are their funds, are the funds guarenteed thirty years from now?
Who is writing this? It sounds like a Teamster administrator who is fearful that if the APWA takes over, his pension would be in trouble. The Teamsters would no longer be able to dip their hands into our money and abuse it any more.


adirondack man
Who is writing this? It sounds like a Teamster administrator who is fearful that if the APWA takes over, his pension would be in trouble. The Teamsters would no longer be able to dip their hands into our money and abuse it any more.
More than likely it is.But just want to say BILL your post are very good and the truth says it all.You do a fine job getting it out there.:thumbup1: