There will be the awkward situations to deal with as well.
Say you are at a business and a car pulls up and a guy gets out.
"Glad I finally caught up with you!"
"My Uncle who lives at 123 Main St asked me to pick up his package from you"
"Also, my neighbor at 215 Elm St, and my Cousin at the No Name Apartments, Bldg 3, # 9, asked me to get their packages as well"
"Just give them to me, and I will get them to these folks"
"If you people would deliver when folks are home, I would not have to do your job and get these packages to these people! Hurry up, I have things I have to do!"
And to think some Rookie trying to make their 30 days will fall for this, thinking they just got rid of 3 stops they will not have to make.