Are other Union Members this disgruntled?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should do a little reading before you jump on the wrong mine. Read this one

UPS part-time “all others” will receive the following increases as part of the UPS Tentative Agreement.

New part-time start rates:

8/1/18: $13.00 8/1/19: $14.00 8/1/20: $14.50 8/1/21: $15.00 8/1/22: $15.50

General Wage Increases (GWI) for all part-time employees who have attained seniority as of August 1, 2018:

8/1/18 = $.70 8/1/19 = $.75 8/1/20 = $.80 8/1/21 = $.90 8/1/22 = $1.00

All part-time employees who have attained senior- ity as of August 1, 2018 and are at three (3) years or less in the “all others” progression:

EXAMPLE: Rachel is a part-time “all others” employee who has nine (9) months of seniority. She is currently making $10.35 per hour. On August 1, 2018, Rachel will be eligible for the $.70 raise and can make no less than the new start rate of $13.00; and since the new start rate is higher than what
the raise will give Rachel, she will go to $13.00. The same will hold true for August 1, 2019—the new start rate of $14.00 will give Rachel a higher rate than the $.75 GWI so she will go to $14.00. Starting on August 1, 2020, however, the GWI will exceed the new start rates and so Rachel will receive the GWI for the duration of the contract, ending with a wage rate of $16.70 on August 1, 2022.

In addition, Rachel will get health insurance for herself and for her spouse and children right away (after her nine months of service) rather than having to wait one full year.*

All part-time employees who have attained senior- ity as of August 1, 2018 and are at four (4) years in the “all others” progression:

8/1/18: $13.20 8/1/19: $14.00 8/1/20: $14.80 8/1/21: $15.70 8/1/22: $16.70

8/1/18: $13.00 8/1/19: $14.00 8/1/20: $14.80 8/1/21: $15.70 8/1/22: $16.70

(new start rate) (new start rate) ($.80 GWI) ($.90 GWI) ($1.00 GWI)

EXAMPLE: Dave is a part-time “all others” em- ployee with four (4) years of seniority. He is cur- rently making $12.50 per hour. Since the GWI will result in a higher wage rate than the new start rate, he will receive the GWI and go to $13.20 on August 1, 2018. On August 1, 2019, the new start rate of $14.00 will result in a higher wage than the GWI, so Dave will go to $14.00. Dave will receive the remainder of the GWIs and will be at $16.70 on August 1, 2020.

A five-year “all others” employee with a start date of May 1, 2013:

EXAMPLE: Phil began his career at UPS just prior to the beginning of the 2013-2018 contract and was eligible for the GWI and could make
no less than the progression in the contract. He started at $8.50, went to $10.00 on August 1, 2013 and is currently at $13.80. Phil will get the GWIs and will be at a $17.95 wage rate on August 1, 2022.

In addition, as a five (5) year part-timer, Phil be- comes a participant in the UPS Pension Plan, a defined benefit pension plan.* The UPS Pension Plan is improved under the Tentative Agreement,

with a benefit of $60 per month/per year of cred- ited service and service pension of:

  • $2,275.00 per month at any age after 35 years of part-time credited service

  • $1,950.00 per month at any age after 30 years of part-time credited service

  • $1,625.00 per month at age 60 with 25 years of part-time credited service

  • $1,325.00 per month at any age with 25 years of part-time credited service

    Unlike 401(k) plans, a defined benefit pension plan is a lifetime benefit.

    Market Rate Adjustments and Minimum Wage Laws:

    Seniority part-time employees as of August 1, 2018, who are receiving an hourly rate higher than set forth in Section (b), as a result of a Market Rate Ad- justment or any minimum wage law, shall not have their wage rate reduced due to the implementation of Article 22 and shall receive the annual general wage increases in section (a).
Part-Time Start Rates and Wage Increases in UPS Tentative Agreement

*The average UPS contribution for Part-Time Health & Welfare and Pension is $22.80 per hour. Full family medical coverage and a defined benefit pension is unheard of in Part-Time employment.
I'm well aware of all that. You truly are out of touch, nvm


Just a turd
I'm not an expert on that language, but to me it looks like you have to be a threat to the general public, the company, and your coworkers in order to get fired. It also looks like they have to call you local before they do it. What specific regions language do you like that you would replace it with?

You got that right. You certainly aren't an expert. All it says is that they have to contact the local , not before. So a preloader who loads an over 70 on the top shelf can be fired immediately ? Thay are a danger to other employees. Who decides what "egregious " means? That is just piss poor wording to allow in a contract

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I don't concern myself too much with regions other than my own. Just clarify what "other cardinal offenses" means. If it's behaving in an incredibly unsafe way, just say that. "other cardinal offenses that compromise the safety or security of other employees, the public, or the company."
I don't have an answer for you on that. I would call you local and find out when you ratification meeting is. Looking at the language that would appear to be what it means.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You got that right. You certainly aren't an expert. All it says is that they have to contact the local , not before. So a preloader who loads an over 70 on the top shelf can be fired immediately ? Thay are a danger to other employees. Who decides what "egregious " means? That is just piss poor wording to allow in a contract
Hey, I wanted Fred. Its not my fault he didn't do it all.


Well-Known Member
What elected positions, have you ever held with your Local ?

What the hell does that have to do with anything at all?

Normally you use subtle, pass-aggressive jabs to discredit ones' opinions.

This time you've graduated to a subtle, passive aggressive
ad hominem attack to discredit my standing in the community.

Did you and TonyQ go to the same
" Deflction Techniques 101 " community college night class ?
...Because you both seem to use the same playbook.

You must have both been given a two for one class coupon
with Tony choosing reverse psychology and you , apparently selecting "nitpicking English for the aspiring hall monitor "

Im not impressed with whatever committee, chair, board, trusteeship, panel, or kangaroo court you are a part of. If you can't give me even one reason why this contract is good then that says it all.

I have an open mind when it comes to this contract. Titles and letterheads don't have the power to change my mind. Well thought out counter points and discussions are the only way to achieve a reversal of my opinion. You have literally not yet been able to list one good point in this contract , instead deciding to hide behind the "unfinished product mantra. "

So you're ready to "throw the baby out with the bath water".

Without reading the contract in it's entirety.

So in this case, the bath water is almost everything in the contract as 95% minimum of the contract is garbage.

What , do tell, would the baby be in your Utopian world?
I fail to see what good I would be throwing out that's either in this contract now or might get " taken away" during further negotiations if we, the membership, have the collective gall to vote no.

That's like saying your favorite food is.... Awesome !

A misplaced adjective.

My favorite food is...Awesome.

Just as This contract offer is...Awful.

The vote no FaceBook page is run by a disgruntled and retired UPS driver.

Being disgruntled is sadly the norm at UPS.

And I see being retired from UPS to be the ultimate end game.



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Believe it or not there are actual polls out on what Teamsters want. What is important to them and how they actually feel about working about UPS. These polls have been conducted and they don't reflect the views of the consensus of sights on Facebook and this one. People come to these sites because they are searching for something of because they are upset. So if you judge everything off of what you see there is looks bleak. There are far more members out there that aren't searching for anything and appreciate what this contract has to offer. There is even more who could care less either way.
Do you even believe 1/2 the :censored2: that comes out of your mouth at this point? Let me see if I can accurately sum this up. TonyQ looked to his left and asked the person right next to him if this was a good contract and was told, "sure." Of course the person to his right didn't work at UPS and had not read the proposed contract but hey, why let some detail derail your entire theory?

I just want to see you on the picket line. Then I want to see the outcome and how you act after its all over. You are unhappy working here, so I want to get this thing moving.
15,000,000,000 is going to seriously change the bottom line. We thought this was sufficient. We need to make them pay more, I get it. We will make everyone pay.

Please, do everyone a favor and crawl back under your rock!


Well-Known Member
. if you think teamsters are upset with the terms of the contract you ought to talk with the ups management......they term it the Give Away Contract and the Bend Over Contract due to the concessions to the union.......they would vote the contract down if they had a vote....wished they had stayed in the union.....too late now

What , exactly do they presume to be giving way to us peasants?


Well-Known Member
I just want to see you on the picket line. Then I want to see the outcome and how you act after its all over. You are unhappy working here, so I want to get this thing moving.

If you wanted to get this thing moving, then you should have admitted to how bad this contract was from the start instead of playing some perverted contract peekaboo game to get your rocks off.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
Do you even believe 1/2 the :censored2: that comes out of your mouth at this point? Let me see if I can accurately sum this up. TonyQ looked to his left and asked the person right next to him if this was a good contract and was told, "sure." Of course the person to his right didn't work at UPS and had not read the proposed contract but hey, why let some detail derail your entire theory?

Please, do everyone a favor and crawl back under your rock!
I'm staying as long as you don't want me here.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
This isn't about money for me. I just want to see Article 17i in the central eliminated, or clarified with a specific, comprehensive list of "cardinal offenses." And penalty pay if your check is short by $5, not $25. I've never had the payroll problems in any other jobs that I have here. Supervisors constantly shave OT off of employee's checks to improve their "numbers," and it needs to stop. So reduce the amount, or increase the penalty pay to your full guarantee for every day a check is not issued.

So I guess it kind of is about money, but not higher wages. And realistically, if UPS didn't mess with people's checks, they wouldn't pay any extra penalty pay anyway.

Every year we request that Article 17i in the Central Supplement be eliminated. Common Sense applies to anybody who threatens bodily harm in the workplace or out, there are state and federal workplace protection laws outside the contract that apply. This language has been and will be abused it those offenses are not clearly defined. I have seen it applied personally by the company in order to "teach a lesson" if you ask the wrong questions.

I skim the article, but it appears to be open to interpretation and gives the Company an open book on getting rid of targeted members.

jagger john

Well-Known Member
. You got me there. Leaving in 5 months anyway. Hope this thing passes so I can get my raise on time
Because the members want a strike. They just don't know it yet. They want more, we will go back to the table and see what UPS has to say. I already know where this is going, so I'm getting you ready. Everyone wants to act like a tough guy on the keyboard, well lets see on the picket lines. I know of a lot of locals where their members will not honor these picket lines, but I feel you all need to see how it all shakes out. If it busts UPS as being Union or Teamsters so be it. You want this.