Are these guys and gal worth it?


Confused Reader...

"If he doesn't like it, he can leave. No one's forcing him to work here! The door's right there!"

Doesn't that comment fit for everyone that's complaining about what Mike makes? Look into the history of the top executives as well as the up-and-coming executives and you'll see that most have started as loaders or doing midnight sorts, etc while going to school.... My my point here is that if you're unhappy with what he makes or the decisions he makes, do something about it like these "guys and gals" did. Don't get me wrong, I'll never see anything close to his kind of money nor have his power but that's not his fault. Spend a day in his shoes and feel that stress from the responsibility of 340k employees fate in your hands.... What UPS does on a daily basis effects the global economy and the lives of all employees and their families. If I had that responsibility hanging over my head, I'd be pissed that I wasn't making more than double what Mike makes!
I see a lot of animosity towards UPS in these posts but going back to the quote above.....we all have the opportunity to walk out that "door". If we're not happy, should we penalize the company we work for or move on and take control of our own futures instead of expecting other to sacrifice what they've accomplished in order to appease those few that are unhappy and unwilling to leave......
"If he doesn't like it, he can leave. No one's forcing him to work here! The door's right there!"

Doesn't that comment fit for everyone that's complaining about what Mike makes? Look into the history of the top executives as well as the up-and-coming executives and you'll see that most have started as loaders or doing midnight sorts, etc while going to school.... My my point here is that if you're unhappy with what he makes or the decisions he makes, do something about it like these "guys and gals" did. Don't get me wrong, I'll never see anything close to his kind of money nor have his power but that's not his fault. Spend a day in his shoes and feel that stress from the responsibility of 340k employees fate in your hands.... What UPS does on a daily basis effects the global economy and the lives of all employees and their families. If I had that responsibility hanging over my head, I'd be pissed that I wasn't making more than double what Mike makes!

I see a lot of animosity towards UPS in some of these posts but going back to the quote above.....we all have the opportunity to walk out that "door". If we're not happy, should we penalize the company we work for or move on and take control of our own futures instead of expecting others to sacrifice what they've accomplished in order to appease those few that are unhappy and unwilling to leave......


Well-Known Member
browniehound said:
As apposed to the job you have now which is licking his ass

Nope just working for him. You guys have no clue how the business world works...Eskew has no say over his own salary, yes, it is a substantial amount of money, but the board decides that, not him. No, I'm not licking his ass, just proving a point, do you some work yourself and check it out. You have no clue, most CEO's are making salaries in the millions. Before you post again, check the facts, and don't knock me, because I have the facts idiot.


From the promised LAND
And except for trying to belittle someone that has proven you quite foolishly silly with his post, what does your post have to do with the thread?

Since we work harder than the vast majority of the other workers in the other fortune 500 crowd, and for some at least we make much more than they do, should Mike also not make more than their CEO? After all, we all work harder than they do.

Besides, in our economy, its not so much what you do anymore, its what you know and how you can sell your skills. And yes for a while we are considered skilled labor. But let a few more years go by and see where the UPS driver is listed.



Well-Known Member
dannyboy said:
And except for trying to belittle someone that has proven you quite foolishly silly with his post, what does your post have to do with the thread?

Since we work harder than the vast majority of the other workers in the other fortune 500 crowd, and for some at least we make much more than they do, should Mike also not make more than their CEO? After all, we all work harder than they do.

Besides, in our economy, its not so much what you do anymore, its what you know and how you can sell your skills. And yes for a while we are considered skilled labor. But let a few more years go by and see where the UPS driver is listed.


Thank you!


golden ticket member
<TABLE id=INCREDIMAINTABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD id=INCREDITEXTREGION style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; CURSOR: auto; PADDING-TOP: 0px; rem_PADDING-LEFT: 0px" vAlign=top width="100%">Michael L Eskew

Total Compensation
$1.25 mil

5-Year Compensation Total
$10.88 mil


Frederick W Smith

Total Compensation
$8.67 mil

5-Year Compensation Total
$54.22 mil

</TD></TR><TR><TD id=INCREDIFOOTER width="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right based on stock performance.

<HR style="COLOR: #c7b996" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->
<TABLE id=INCREDIMAINTABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD id=INCREDITEXTREGION style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; CURSOR: auto; PADDING-TOP: 0px; rem_PADDING-LEFT: 0px" vAlign=top width="100%">Michael L Eskew

Total Compensation
$1.25 mil

5-Year Compensation Total
$10.88 mil


Frederick W Smith

Total Compensation
$8.67 mil

5-Year Compensation Total
$54.22 mil</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


New Member
Come one boys if you guys want we can do a chance of countrys come to work in Portugal and youll see the big diference of salary at the same company you wouldnt like for shore our reality:lol:


From the promised LAND

I knew this was a multinational web site chat. Not many from other countries post here though.

Personally I think it would be very interesting to hear how UPS is structured and run, and the viewpoints of those of you in other countries.



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<SCRIPT language=javascript>postamble();</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=javascript> var d = new Date(); document.write('' + d.getTime() + '');</SCRIPT>
I found this from a previous post


Shanty Irish
I do stock and Fortune 500 Company analysis for a living. I work at UPS for the benefits. Let me be the first to tell you this, don't bash Mike for his salary, compare it to any other Fortune 500 company, and it is very well below the standard of any other CEO. In fact, the UPS CEO is one of the lowest paid CEO's of any Fortune 500 company. Don't bash him, I wouldn't the BS he puts up with. Most CEO's of Fortune 500 companies are making upwards of 10 million or so a year, which his salary falls very well below that. Know what you're talking about before you post it. He deserves what he gets, because I sure as hell wouldn't want his job!

I'll do it! Where do I apply? The first thing I want to do is spend $20 billion to change the signs on all the trucks. Then I want to sponsor a race car!
It's amazing how much they make and when you look at your paycheck each week it's sickening. Has anyone ever really thought of how much money the company makes and how little they pay its supervisors and hourly's. It's rediculaus, in order to make any money at UPS you have to become a driver and to do that you have to be willing to never see your family. The problem is that in order to get anything done you need a large group to fight and thats the hard part. You can never get enough people to stand up. Look at what happened in California with the supervisors. They stood up and fought and ended up making it better for all supervisors. Stand up people and get something done about how you are treated. I'm no longer there but I would love to be apart of that.


Industrial Slob
i'd say they're worth it. the stock is strong, and it's their ideas and leadership that keep this company growing and moving ahead.

...i just wish they empower employees more.


Nope just working for him. You guys have no clue how the business world works...Eskew has no say over his own salary, yes, it is a substantial amount of money, but the board decides that, not him. No, I'm not licking his ass, just proving a point, do you some work yourself and check it out. You have no clue, most CEO's are making salaries in the millions. Before you post again, check the facts, and don't knock me, because I have the facts idiot.

You are very ignorant indeed.


Well-Known Member
You are very ignorant indeed.

How do you figure, at the time I was still running my side business, but it still holds true, Eskew still to this day doesn't name him own salary, it is named for him, in a Fortune 500 Company such as UPS it is named for him by the Board of Directors, and compared to other Chairmans of other companies, Esker is underpaid, at least according to the documentation provided in the post, and I will say, I don't know how accurate that really is, if it includes stock etc. Common sense will tell anyone that a CEO with a multi billion dollar a year earning, should be making more than what he does, we are not even talking 5 percent here, some CEO's are making upwards of 20% percent of company earnings...such as Oil Companies....their hands are always in the cookie jar.