I respectfully disagree.
There are times when some laws should not be followed. There was a time when "Separate but Equal" was the law of the land and any suggestion that blacks could have persevered in any way but civil disobedience is suspect considering the racial history between the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights movement.
As far as the president not enforcing the law, that is withing the perview of the executive branch. Same thing happens with tax policy from administration to administration. Usually under republican administrations IRS tax audits drop off, EPA enforcement drops off, etc. Considering the record deportations, one would have a hard time saying that Obama has really been all that soft on immigration. The mini "Dream Act" announced by the president, while having some real effect, is more a political move to drive a nail into the coffin of the republican hopes to get Latino support, a coffin the party has been far to eager to climb into itself. Yes. It's political. Newsflash! It's an election year for the highest post in the land if not the world. Politics may be dirty, but it is real.
All in all, immigration is not a hard problem to solve. It is expensive though. A massive fence and constant patrols should run hundreds of billions of dollars--if politicians wanted to. What's wrong with putting a comprehensive plan in place? Why do we have to "close the border first"? I believe it is because neither of the parties really wants it closed, much like neither party wanted campaign finance reform and so McCain/Feingold was a toothless wonder of a bill.