US Bank Enemies At the Gates
Then again, from
this news maybe if China does help implode the Fed and our disaster of a monetary system, they may help a return to a better system. Funny ain't it. A bunch of commies turning the mighty America back towards some form of honest monetary system. No wonder the investment sage Jim Rogers moved lock, stock and barrel to China.
And more shocking news!
Yesterday, the Huffington Post ran as it's headline in bold red,
"AUDIT THE FED" with the following article of Barney Frank declaring HR 1207 being passed this fall. Politico ran a similar story. And yes, you are correct in that we should watch for monkey business and in the case of Frank I would expect such. However, HR 1207's most important aspect has been to force a more open and larger conversation about the central bank and our monetary system among a growing group within the population core. Pass or not, HR 1207 IMO has been a huge success just in that point alone.
In fact, the best thing to happen is to pass HR 1207 with the people expecting one thing and then it becomes obvious that the people in power are doing something quite different in that even the most dull knife in the drawer can see the power elite are protecting it's own scam. This drives further distrust of the current 2 party system and in truth would be healthy for America.
Watching this YouTube of Barney Frank, I really have to wonder if the vocal sniping (as in a
snipe hunt) by political Statists over healthcare at Town Hall meetings are really more a cover and the true anger is over people like this gentleman below asking the wrong question in front of all those people who may do the worse thing possible for the central state and that is to begin to think!
YouTube - Barney Frank Says House Will Pass HR1207 in October
Speaking of healthcare, did anyone ever consider the cost of healthcare in relation to the
shrinking value of the dollar? I mean in 1913' the dollar had a true purchasing power of $1 whereas now because of debt and the printing press, in 1913' terms, our dollar is worth less than $.05. With the recent addition of debt, would the expectation be for the 5 cent value to go up or to go down and what would this do to healthcare?
If Barney Frank and others are so concerned about the cost of healthcare, then why not first give us a honest monetary system whose monetary unit maintains it's value over time and where Wall Street power players and their gov't lackeyes can't manipulate the currency system via toying with true interest rates which in turn harm those on fixed income but devaluing over time their hard earned savings. Also by inflating the currency, you place the poor into a fruitless effort of chasing something that's nearly impossible to achieve via hardwork and thrift alone, something that was once the backbone of American greatness.
And the more important question, does the gov't benefit from inflation as it relates to debt and if we had deflation making the dollar more valuable, what would this do to gov't and it's debt structure? What would it do to tax revenues? Does there now become a much larger reason why certain interests wouldn't want a full and complete audit of the Fed?
If in 1913' we got the Federal Reserve which allowed the gov't to use a private banking cartel to create debt out of thin air for their (gov't) benefit (give the people now for the vote at election time and pass the payment for into the future) so what manner of revenue would the gov't use to pay back this debt. With Social Security we got a SS tax, with the highway system we got a excise tax, with medicare we got a tax, with healthcare, we are seeing proposals of various taxes depending on the plan so when gov't creates something, it also creates a tax system along with it to pay for it all, well supposedly anyway.
So with this creation of debt beginning in 1913' what might have also been created to pay for this over time (hint, 2/3/1913') and as the debt has increased, has the reach of this means of taxation increased with it? Could an audit expose this relationship and would it become obvious to all that the only need for this tax system was to service a debt to a private banking cartel and not really needed to buidling roads, libaries, schools and other functions of gov't people tend to expect?
Don't think to hard because this is very dangerous to the central state!