B I O B....blame it on Bush...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I have my own thought about matters. There are only so many possible combinations of opinions. I'm bound to agree with someone.......it's just the odds and has nothing to do with FOX........

Its how those thoughts were "configured" that gives away your sources. FOXED SPEWS and the right wing distortion machine try to distract americans away from the facts of the housing bubble away from BUSH and the Republicans (because its bad to connect them to it) and place it on the democrats going back to the Clinton administration.

You quoting the same information despite the plain truth as spoken by GW BUSH just shows you bought the argument.

Barney Frank had nothing to do with the low income sub prime boom during BUSH, he had nothing to do with the horrible mortgages written during Bush, and he had nothing to do with de regulating the mortgage industry and changing the requirements for buying a home, ALL that fell directly on BUSH's Shoulders and he says it himself in the video I posted.

He (bush) eliminated downpayments, he eliminated proof of income, he eliminated 2 yrs tax returns, he created a goverment sponsored 40K givaway for poor families for downpayments, he directed the mortage industry to create new "financial instruments" (sub prime loans) to assist low income and first time buyers.

Once this was completed, housing boomed and there was a short term gain in the economy because of the growth, but it also set millions of time bombs that would eventually blow up in our faces and effect us all.

This action is the responsibility of GW Bush and the republicans. All of your sources, including "town hall" would have you believe otherwise.

But thats the intention. Party line corrections. Keeping you in line with party rhetoric.

Housing is easy to pin point. The facts are the facts.



golden ticket member
DID You not hear BUSH in his own words promote minority home ownership??

Cmon brother, you cant escape the truth. Face it, the republicans ran through a ton of social programs under bush and they ALL FAILED. But, we are in today, and knowing how we got here should give us some insight on how we are going to get out of it. It wont be in 24 month and it wont be on the back of social security.

Minority (low income) home ownership rammed down our countries throats for 6 years of bush along with the de-regulation of the mortage and banking industry under bush has created a minefield of foreclosures that will continue until 2015. These ticking time bombs will hurt this country and the housing market.

BUSH did not have the "competence" to see the handwriting on the wall despite being WARNED by Alan Greenspan prior to the creation of the Home Ownershp Society program.

Accept the facts, BUSH screwed the country along with the republicans in both houses. Once you accept this concept, you can get to a solution.

Re-electing a republican majority isnt the answer. It took bush 8 years to destroy a perfectly working economy with a 4% unemployment rate. After 8 years, the country was flushed down the toilet.

We dont need a repeat of the Bush administration.


Ignore these facts:

At the end of the 110th Congress (2nd Session), the membership of the U.S. House of Representatives was composed of 235 Democrats, 199 Republicans, and one vacancy.

This bill passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The totals were 241 Ayes, 172 Nays, 20 Present/Not Voting.
Of the nay votes, only 5 were demorats.....167 republican

At that time the composition of the senate was 49 each Dem/repub with 2 ind.

This bill passed in the Senate with changes by roll call vote. The totals were 84 Ayes, 12 Nays, 4 Present/Not Voting.

Of the nay votes, all were republicans...every democrat but BHO and Billery voted yea

The bill was introduced by N. Pelosi, All 18 sponsors were democrat.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Ignore these facts:

At the end of the 110th Congress (2nd Session), the membership of the U.S. House of Representatives was composed of 235 Democrats, 199 Republicans, and one vacancy.

This bill passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The totals were 241 Ayes, 172 Nays, 20 Present/Not Voting.
Of the nay votes, only 5 were demorats.....167 republican

At that time the composition of the senate was 49 each Dem/repub with 2 ind.

This bill passed in the Senate with changes by roll call vote. The totals were 84 Ayes, 12 Nays, 4 Present/Not Voting.

Of the nay votes, all were republicans...every democrat but BHO and Billery voted yea

The bill was introduced by N. Pelosi, All 18 sponsors were democrat.

Im not sure what youre talking about? You showed the bone, but left out the meat.

try again.



Strength through joy
your hindsight about those affected negatively by the housing bubble, which everyone involved in it up to the moment it broke said that no housing bubble existed, is laughable.
you can thank ACCORN and their counterparts for insisting that banks loan money, with FM&FM backing, to ever person who applied, including illegals.
house flipping was encouraged, with no improvements made to the properties, many times within a same family.
some very foolish people actually bought properties which they knew up front that they could not afford other really foolish people bought properties that they know that they could afford and today see their investments declining in value.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Like unemployment, ssi, and medicare and medicaid. Gotcha.

Gotcha ?? What planet are you on ?? SSI is my money taken out of MY paycheck for forty years. Money that I worked for. End it --just give me back MY money.
As far as healthcare I am now covered by an excellent UPS insurance program. At 65 I will be thrown into a government program with many people that did not work. Doctors that I presently see have told me that they will not accept just medicare payments. I will have to go out and spend my money for a supplemental policy.
This is going to get much worse as Obama has reduced medicare by 500 billion.
This is a system that does not value hard working retired senior citizens. With fewer and fewer doctors accepting the reduced government payments , long waiting lines will await the seniors that have to see the very few doctors .
Gotcha ??? You will have to think things through a little deeper -try facing reality it is staring you right in the face !


Well-Known Member
Now -back to our President.
The economy is in shambles, the misery index is sky high, for three years he has no plan.
NOW he claims he has a plan as he rides around on million dollar buses that we paid for that were made in Canada.
But wait ---no hurry --no sense of urgency--Obama will tell us his "plan" after rubbing shoulders with the very white,rich and famous of Liberal Cape COD.
Obama will obviously come back in September and tell us his plan to spend another trillion dollars on Stimulous two.
The Republicans will disagree and of course Obama will run his re-election on the blame game.
Key word re-election --that is all that matters !!!!
TOS , again I repeat -INCOMPETANT !!!!


Staff member
Reality suggests that these programs won't be around twenty years from now, right? So I'm never going to get to take advantage of them so I say end them now. As far as "Give you your money back," doesn't work that way. The money I pay in today goes to pay you. It doesn't go into a "lockbox". You've been spending it on wars and other foolishness all the while fretting about the debt you'd leave the next generation. Maybe the next generation will wise up and decide you've squandered yours, not theirs.


Für Meno :)
Here are some facts :

After 2 1/2 years in presidency Obama took 61 days vacation, compared to W.Bush who took 180 days vacation in the same period.

As far as medicare goes, the republicans want to even cut it further, instead of raising taxes for the rich.
Cuts to medicare and SS are comming no matter what.

Medicare won't kick in until age 67 within the next few years.
Why would republicans bitch about medicare anyways, if they are for non government healthcare ?
Maybe just privatize it, and pay as you go, and let the poor eldery go to the ER like the rest of the poor ?


golden ticket member
Now -back to our President.
The economy is in shambles, the misery index is sky high, for three years he has no plan.
NOW he claims he has a plan as he rides around on million dollar buses that we paid for that were made in Canada.
But wait ---no hurry --no sense of urgency--Obama will tell us his "plan" after rubbing shoulders with the very white,rich and famous of Liberal Cape COD.
Obama will obviously come back in September and tell us his plan to spend another trillion dollars on Stimulous two.
The Republicans will disagree and of course Obama will run his re-election on the blame game.
Key word re-election --that is all that matters !!!!
TOS , again I repeat -INCOMPETANT !!!!

You left out a tea with Jill & Bobby Zarin, lunch with Ramona Singer & Kelly Bensimone, dinner & drinks with Alex & Simon McCord and late night nibbles with Sonia Morgan. He's in the glam world of the New York Housewives!!!


golden ticket member
You can't blame Bush forever !!! Did you hear Maxine Waters this morning talking to the Black Caucus?
She sounded like she was ready to pull the plug when they are ready!!
Down to a 26% approval rate..........don't worry though, when he gets back from vacation, he'll solve all the problems.

People give Bush grief when he took a few minutes in that classroom on 9-11.........but this president goes on a bus tour and vacation with America falling apart. :dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Reality suggests that these programs won't be around twenty years from now, right? So I'm never going to get to take advantage of them so I say end them now. As far as "Give you your money back," doesn't work that way. The money I pay in today goes to pay you. It doesn't go into a "lockbox". You've been spending it on wars and other foolishness all the while fretting about the debt you'd leave the next generation. Maybe the next generation will wise up and decide you've squandered yours, not theirs.

I love the way you label people. I have had many posts stating that I want ALL the troops to come home. Let foreign countries do their own nation building. New Orleans still has not been rebuilt well into the Obama administration.
NO foreign aide --military or otherwise--too many American's are starving.
I have NOT spent any of the tax money the GOVERNMENT has taken from me and spent.
Unlike many kool aide drinkers on this cafe I do not blindly follow any lying political party.
I have said from the beginning "NATION building by Bush was B.S. "

I have the freedom to call them as I see them and the MAJORITY of them could care less about me or you or our country. Only their power,their parties,their freebies and their re-elections.
I at one time believed Obama would be different ---Remember Hope and change ??

There was no change and I see very little hope!!


Staff member
When I say" you" I speak collectively of the older generations that have squandered this country's future over the past 30 years.