I have my own thought about matters. There are only so many possible combinations of opinions. I'm bound to agree with someone.......it's just the odds and has nothing to do with FOX........
Its how those thoughts were "configured" that gives away your sources. FOXED SPEWS and the right wing distortion machine try to distract americans away from the facts of the housing bubble away from BUSH and the Republicans (because its bad to connect them to it) and place it on the democrats going back to the Clinton administration.
You quoting the same information despite the plain truth as spoken by GW BUSH just shows you bought the argument.
Barney Frank had nothing to do with the low income sub prime boom during BUSH, he had nothing to do with the horrible mortgages written during Bush, and he had nothing to do with de regulating the mortgage industry and changing the requirements for buying a home, ALL that fell directly on BUSH's Shoulders and he says it himself in the video I posted.
He (bush) eliminated downpayments, he eliminated proof of income, he eliminated 2 yrs tax returns, he created a goverment sponsored 40K givaway for poor families for downpayments, he directed the mortage industry to create new "financial instruments" (sub prime loans) to assist low income and first time buyers.
Once this was completed, housing boomed and there was a short term gain in the economy because of the growth, but it also set millions of time bombs that would eventually blow up in our faces and effect us all.
This action is the responsibility of GW Bush and the republicans. All of your sources, including "town hall" would have you believe otherwise.
But thats the intention. Party line corrections. Keeping you in line with party rhetoric.
Housing is easy to pin point. The facts are the facts.