Bad Orange man sues HRC

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
As in not winning another term as President? What if he were to run against Biden again and the election were held today?
That’s a good question. I think if held today, a third challenger from either side may stand an excellent chance.

On the Democratic side, sure. Biden is unpopular and was only useful in booting Trump out. Democrats would be happy to have someone better step up.

Trump still has too much pull with Republicans to be easily pushed out by a challenger. And if it weren't for 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, the 2020 Presidential election would have been electorally tied.

Trump could easily make up that difference if the election were held today. Biden has had a terrible first year in office.



Staff member
On the Democratic side, sure. Biden is unpopular and was only useful in booting Trump out. Democrats would be happy to have someone better step up.

Trump still has too much pull with Republicans to be easily pushed out by a challenger. And if it weren't for 44,000 votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, the 2020 Presidential election would have been electorally tied.

Trump could easily make up that difference if the election were held today. Biden has had a terrible first year in office.

I think there are those inside the republican establishment that would do anything to keep Trump from winning again. Trump was the short game. The long game is more important now.


Inordinately Right
I think there are those inside the republican establishment that would do anything to keep Trump from winning again. Trump was the short game. The long game is more important now.
The long game is 4 years of Trump/DeSantis then 8 more years of DeSantis. I'll settle for just 8 years of DeSantis though.


Well-Known Member
I think there are those inside the republican establishment that would do anything to keep Trump from winning again. Trump was the short game. The long game is more important now.
yes they're called Rino's and they did anything to keep him from winning the first time and anything to keep him from being successful while he served. Trump is not your concern right now. Who the dems will put up next is. Biden is done. Kamala is a joke that laughs like one.


Well-Known Member
Omg! LMAO! YOU! Of all people casting aspersions on the social skills of others? That's got to be a joke yes? I mean you don't even have the social courtesy to use legible texting protocols! WTF is wrong with your brain Mr Cantnadian?
Think about it. if workers cant get along, theyre too divided to join together to fight the bosses

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Their number has likely increased.

Trump was an unknown quantity in 2016. It was even thought by some that his election would bring down the stock market.

Now we’ve had Biden in office for a year and the number of people longing for the “good old days” of Trump, relatively speaking, has probably increased even more.



Well-Known Member
Trump was an unknown quantity in 2016. It was even thought by some that his election would bring down the stock market.

Now we’ve had Biden in office for a year and the number of people longing for the “good old days” of Trump, relatively speaking, has probably increased even more.

trump is a narcissist and an :censored2: but he was our :censored2:.

he worked the economy from every angle I've ever seen. In so doing he was an :censored2: with the fed, with the companies that tried to move jobs out of our country and with the countries that we competed against.

when you have a supply chain problem you want to know your president is doing something about it not leaving it to a sec of transporation thats out on three months of adopted paternity leave.

when you have oil prices surging you want to know your president is doing everything he can to address it not find out that his regulations have reduced the daily US output by 15 million barrels a day.

plagerizing a biden I would say to him comon man get off your ass and do something.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
IMO it will get close and then go under the carpet. Same for all that's being pursued with hunter. It will appear as if the hammer is going to fall and that will be perceived as enough punishment. The left gets away with murder. Literally. I hope I'm wrong.