TOS, You are playing semantics. I have listened to the entire 2010 speech, in context.
Your quote is wrong. If you are going to correct someone for not quoting properly, it would be prudent not to change the quote yourself.
The exact quote "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy". Look at the bill like a contract that we have to follow. Would you re-mortgage your house if the loan officer wouldn't give you the details and said "“But we have to to sign the contract so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy"? I would even argue that the "away from fog of the controversy" doubled my issue with her statement. She is saying pass it without giving anyone the opportunity to debate it. 14 days later, our president signed it into law.
ITG, you are right. Calling Obama Obozo is not an accurate description. I probably should of just called him O-marxist. For the record, Bush 43rd was no peach either.
Again, comprehension comes into play. I posted the entire context of what she said, and in NO WAY did she say what you said she said.
"away from the fog of the controversy" has NOTHING to do with voting. The statement is simply saying that once the bill is passed, and the ink is dry, there will be no more confusion since the republicans were saying things that were not true about the bill.
Once the bill was passed, all americans could read it, and hopefully understand it, without having to rely on questionable recaps from fox news and the entire republican party.
"outside" and "Away" have the same meaning, and I did not change the context of the quote. She has used BOTH words when she made this statement.
FOX news and the entire republican spin machine have people like oldngray believing that she said "we have to pass the bill in order to see whats in it"...
And that my friend is not accurate.
The key word and difference in the statement between what YOU and guys like OldnGray and ISlandfox think is the "replacement" of the word "YOU" with the word "WE".
This substitution of words changes the context of the statement and its this type of dishonesty in reporting that has FOX news as one of the most hated news channels in the world.
Yes, the drones give them an average of 2.8 million viewers a night, but that doesnt mean squat when entire countries wont even allow the channel to broadcast in their crap programming.
So, You stand corrected.
Her meaning is clear and simple if you listen to the clip I provided.