Did you even bother to play the video? If you had you would have found that he was 100% right---people want stuff but don't want to be inconvenienced while in the process of getting that stuff. He gave the example of a public swimming pool near Boston. The people kept pestering their local government for the pool and when it was finally approved and the construction began those same people bitched about the dump trucks coming in and out of the job site.
BTW, he never used the phrase "pain in the ass" in the clip--the boys at WZ took a little poetic license when they created their headline.
When are you going to learn that Weasel Zippers is not a credible source of "news"?
Did you even bother to play the video? If you had you would have found that he was 100% right---people want stuff but don't want to be inconvenienced while in the process of getting that stuff. He gave the example of a public swimming pool near Boston. The people kept pestering their local government for the pool and when it was finally approved and the construction began those same people bitched about the dump trucks coming in and out of the job site.
BTW, he never used the phrase "pain in the ass" in the clip--the boys at WZ took a little poetic license when they created their headline.
When are you going to learn that Weasel Zippers is not a credible source of "news"?
I didn't give an opinion, so why do you think I posted this in one way....just the way you are thinking!!!!!!!!!
Maybe it's meant to just be informative asnd to let people know that Barney isn't gone yet. We haven't heard much lately you know.
He's right? Good. You probably wouldn't have seen that video if I hadn't posted it. I expanded your world
If you don't like the subject....why torture yourself reading my posts.....kinda stupid, don't ya think?
Just one day removed from the House, Barney Frank says he wants to get back to Washington.
Frank, speaking today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said he told Gov. Deval Patrick he wants to
be interim senator when Sen. John Kerry is named secretary of state.
“A month ago, or a few weeks ago, I said I wasn’t interested,” Frank said, according to a
transcript of his appearance on Politico.com. “It was kind of like you’re about to
graduate, and they said: ‘You gotta go to summer school.’
But (the fiscal cliff deal) now means that February, March and April are going to be among
the most important months in American financial history.”