BBC Documentary: The Mormon Candidate


Been around the block a few times
Hmmm. I've heard otherwise. They're free to do whatever they choose, as long as a man chooses for them.

The definition of "hearsay". unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge

Colleges like BYU and BYU-I are chock full of young women that are furthering their educations.This does not even count the young LDS women that choose not to go to a church owned school. Some go on to rewarding careers in what ever they choose and some choose to become wifes and mothers. It is their choice.

From what you hear in the media....what would be the point of these girls going to college? The media has been know to warp the truth to suit their needs. It is called sensationalism.


Been around the block a few times

Here's the thing......not even 10 minutes into this documentary it centers on the polygamy angle. That is not what the LDS church is about and has not been for nearly 125 years. If we are going to meet MR Romney then let's meet him in current truths not from the point of some extremist groups that have splintered away and not from some point in history that is water under the bridge.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A couple of questions for the Mormons here.

Do Mormons believe the Earth was put here for them to use up, or are we the stewards of our planet?
How old is our planet? What is 'eternal progression'? Is what Christians refer to as 'God The Father' a spiritual being, or flesh and blood? Did he once walk the Earth, or another planet?


golden ticket member
A couple of questions for the Mormons here.

Do Mormons believe the Earth was put here for them to use up, or are we the stewards of our planet?
How old is our planet? What is 'eternal progression'? Is what Christians refer to as 'God The Father' a spiritual being, or flesh and blood? Did he once walk the Earth, or another planet?
Wait a minute, I'll call the 1-800 # and have a couple of missionaries visit you!!!


Engorged Member
A couple of questions for the Mormons here.

Do Mormons believe the Earth was put here for them to use up, or are we the stewards of our planet?
How old is our planet? What is 'eternal progression'? Is what Christians refer to as 'God The Father' a spiritual being, or flesh and blood? Did he once walk the Earth, or another planet?

You can find those answers at "I'm a Mormon". Oh, wait, no you can't. Wonder why that is? I guess we'll just have to trust that there isn't anything really different about being a Mormon. You know, they're "mainstream". Kind of like a 1958 Edsel is mainstream. Or a 2213 Kolobwagen.


golden ticket member
You can find those answers at "I'm a Mormon". Oh, wait, no you can't. Wonder why that is? I guess we'll just have to trust that there isn't anything really different about being a Mormon. You know, they're "mainstream". Kind of like a 1958 Edsel is mainstream. Or a 2213 Kolobwagen.
What's your address? I need to send those missionaries to your house to have an indepth conversation and cover all this stuff for you.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I respect you....I really do. But you are way off base on your perspective of women in the LDS church. They are free to do whatever the choose. If they want a career, they can have that. If they want to start a family, they can do that. It is called free agency. There are always choices.

Do these "choices" for LDS women include becoming ministers or bishops or holding other positions of influence within the Church? Are LDS women encouraged to take positions of leadership within the business or political community?

I have a great deal of admiration for the LDS church in regards to its philosophy of family, community and self-reliance. The LDS church members whom I am personally acquainted with are morally centered people of integrity. And I am well aware of the fact that the polygamy has not been a practice of the mainstream LDS church for many decades. I simply disagree philosophically with any faith (LDS, Catholicism, Islam to name a few) that excludes fifty percent of its membership from all participation in the decision-making process for the church based solely on the fact that they have a uterus.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Here's the thing......not even 10 minutes into this documentary it centers on the polygamy angle. That is not what the LDS church is about and has not been for nearly 125 years. If we are going to meet MR Romney then let's meet him in current truths not from the point of some extremist groups that have splintered away and not from some point in history that is water under the bridge.

He has a point here...barely more than 50 years ago the Southern Baptist church advocated state-sanctioned apartheid, racism, and Jim Crow laws in the South. The church has since publically and offically repudiated that philosophy in the same way that LDS has repudiated polygamy. If you are going to judge a particular faith, dont judge it based upon the actions of extremists or splinter groups or outdated ideaology. I have a philosophical disagreement with the LDS church, as well as with Catholicism and Islam, over the roles that women are allowed to fill in those faiths, but I dont judge those faiths based upon what they stood for decades ago.


Well-Known Member
God The Father.

If you want I could share my ideas and belief, but..... who boy it will start a very long
discussion I believe.

Plus I could be wrong. I believe His Son came for starters.

But Eden, Abraham, who were the ones that visited him etc. It could be very long and back and forth.



Engorged Member
What's your address? I need to send those missionaries to your house to have an indepth conversation and cover all this stuff for you.

No thanks. I always send them politely on their way. Here's the deal. I think that being a Mormon is fine, just like being a Catholic, Jew, Muslim or whatever is also fine. The difference about Mormonism is the secrecy involving the LDS Church, which is important because a potential President is a very prominent Mormon bishop. I absolutely want to know about the inner workings of the church, just as I would if Romney were a Scientologist, Moonie, Seventh Day Adventist or other "cult" member. To many Biblical scholars, Mormonism is indeed a cult religion. We need to know more, and they aren't telling us the entire story.


Well-Known Member
Skip all this BS about the either candidates' religion...

Like I said before, I'd elect a bed-wetting stutterer if he or she actually knew what they were talking about and could make something happen.

I could care less if Romney is a Mormon...that doesn't make him any more or less suspect (to me) than Obama, who has made some vague proto-Christian allegiances...why is this even an issue?

The only 'GOD' in politics is $$$.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

If you want I could share my ideas and belief, but..... who boy it will start a very long
discussion I believe.

Plus I could be wrong. I believe His Son came for starters.

But Eden, Abraham, who were the ones that visited him etc. It could be very long and back and forth.

Welcome the discussion....start a new thread.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Skip all this BS about the either candidates' religion...

Like I said before, I'd elect a bed-wetting stutterer if he or she actually knew what they were talking about and could make something happen.

I could care less if Romney is a Mormon...that doesn't make him any more or less suspect (to me) than Obama, who has made some vague proto-Christian allegiances...why is this even an issue?

The only 'GOD' in politics is $$$.

I agree with you, but I would also like to know what a candidate believes.

If a higher up in the Church Of Scientology was running for POTUS, that would be a disqualifier to me.

soberups said:
He has a point here...barely more than 50 years ago the Southern Baptist church advocated state-sanctioned apartheid, racism, and Jim Crow laws in the South. The church has since publically and offically repudiated that philosophy in the same way that LDS has repudiated polygamy. If you are going to judge a particular faith, dont judge it based upon the actions of extremists or splinter groups or outdated ideaology. I have a philosophical disagreement with the LDS church, as well as with Catholicism and Islam, over the roles that women are allowed to fill in those faiths, but I dont judge those faiths based upon what they stood for decades ago.

History matters. It makes us who we are.