BC Fantasy Football League


Resident Suit
@burrheadd and me are vying for the basement point total.


Well-Known Member
The only thing worse than Patriot haters are Patriot bandwagoners.

I have been a Pats fan for as long as I can remember. I stuck with them when they sucked (think Steve Grogan) and am being rewarded for my loyalty with Brady and Gronk.


Age quod agis
Not Pat fan.
I am a serious NFL fan.
Personally, fifty years from now, Bill's name will be mentioned with Vince.
Sick, I know but last year I had to go to Pats at Pack game because I needed to bask in greatness.


Resident Suit
Not Pat fan.
I am a serious NFL fan.
Personally, fifty years from now, Bill's name will be mentioned with Vince.
Sick, I know but last year I had to go to Pats at Pack game because I needed to bask in greatness.
One of my buddies played lacrosse against Bill's son. He said it was hilarious when you'd look up into the stands. There was a bunch of parents, and then a huge open bubble around Belichek and his wife. Like everybody was afraid to sit next to him.