BC Fantasy Football League


My Senior Picture
Evidently, it registered.
Never had a problem signing in to my Yahoo account. That league is the only reason I had it.

Still don't see it.


Just a turd
The legend TieGuy started the first BC Fantasy Football League, with many other legacy owners like playing @ajblakejr, Feathers and others. Won that league twice.

@upschuck is a wannabe imposter. Won his league too, first year I believe.

My signature was once "Back To Back BC Fantasy Football Champion".
So you won two leagues against inferior competition and expect us honor that as being a championship?

You sound like @burrheadd claiming Helms foundation championships in basketball with Kansas as real championship


cap'n crunch
I'm not in this league, but I am in a league with my son and a few of his friends. Just so happens, I played my son last week. All my guys played Sunday. He had "a couple of players" Monday night. I went to bed early Monday, and when I last looked, I was ahead by about 66 points. Did a little trash talking before I turned in. Woke up this morning and checked my score. He beat me by .1 of a point. Today he called me "Mr. Silver Medal". Counted my chickens........


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