I can only assume that the veteran employees on this board have heard this line of thinking from a noob many times over. I left UPS 10 years ago as a full-time sup in a major midwestern hub which literally shoved 160-180k on a twighlight sort. My first peak we we all so proud of the fact that we hit upwards of 240k on a twilight sort. Needless to say the re-wrap area worked until 6am the next morning because our sort manager wanted to make it to division manager and his road to success was to force packages through a facility that could not handle it. But I degress.
Mr. "voice of reason", you have made my day for I have not had such a good laugh yet today and I have found it here in you posts. As a former employee, I am insulted in your username. If I were an employee today such as the veterans on here I would be appalled, but I guess they have more patience or get an even bigger laugh from your wide-eyed view of the UPS world.
I would dub you the "voice of naivete" because you are fresh out of college where theory in books does not by any means relate to real world experiences. As a college graduate myself, I am glad I was punishing myself every morning to wake up at 3 am to make it to the preload where I saw real world people and experiences. Then off to my classes where the daddy-is-paying-my-way-to-college a**-wipes were worrying about where the next party was.
Good for you that you have that degree, it will certainly help when your UPS worshipping evaporates in a few years and you want to get out of there. I would bet more than 50% of your drivers have degrees also, so don't ever try to use that as something special. You did your stint as a driver but again, don't think you are now "the man". There are drivers who go into areas day in and day out where police don't even respond to. That is respectable, that is courageous. The chances of them being dead is real from a gangbanger wanting to cap his hommie for the hell of it. Or a stupid white trash redneck making a meth lab in his garage which could blow up when the UPS man is delivering his new deer stand.
Point is, good for you that you finished college, worked your way into a higher position than loader/unloader at UPS. UPS loves guys like you, gung ho, maybe a brown tatoo is an inconspicuous place on your body which shows your loyalty to big brown. But reality really sucks having been there myself. As strong of a disposition you may have, it is the day to day realities of never being given an "atta boy" from anyone ever that wears on you. As hardened as you may want to appear, the dreams of post-college paths of nirvana in life evaporate. Get married, have a kid, boy is that a reality check. Then the job you love now becomes just a means to put bread on the table and you resent it.
I am glad you feel so strongly to share your voice with us, but know that there are about 10,000 of you who are in your same position. And the reality is every one of those people will realize that numbers don't work when trying to move up the corporate ladder--it is a**-kissing, boot-licking, head rolling, career-ending for the average driver so you can look good, number fudging (don't get caught), back stabbing. That is what gets you moved up. If, morally, you can live with it, go fer it. Until then, just have a voice, not one of reason, because you really don't know
